Cool stuff man. I've played a sorc and only a sorc since forever but just started using my NB. Quick question: Why do you use crit rush, executioner, and wrecking blow instead of ambush, killer's blade, and surprise attack?
Loved the clip of the guy trying to gank during the 3v3 and the few times you did try zerg bombing remember that in 1.5 they would have been wiped
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
I'd use Ambush over crit rush pretty much every time. More damage, empower, can be used while immobilized, and gets sneak attack bonus if used from side/behind while in stealth. That could change with Maelstrom 2her, which could be what he's using. Executioner is a great execute, most prefer it over killer's blade since it does physical instead of magicka damage. WB has a few disadvantages vs surprise attack. It doesn't proc armor debuff, doesn't proc shadow barrier, and has a cast time which skilled players will punish you for. It won't do more DPS than a light attack weaved SA. I imagine he's using it for the CC, and chance to chain CC with it. It also has a longer range than normal melee attacks. It's also a nasty stealth attack opener if given the opportunity.
Cool stuff man. I've played a sorc and only a sorc since forever but just started using my NB. Quick question: Why do you use crit rush, executioner, and wrecking blow instead of ambush, killer's blade, and surprise attack?
Loved the clip of the guy trying to gank during the 3v3 and the few times you did try zerg bombing remember that in 1.5 they would have been wiped
Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »I ran into the two of you tonight at BRK when all three factions were fighting over the last emp keep. Lag made the fight difficult, but you two are very strong together and it would have been even without the lag.
Good video and good music and you got my favorite AD rage teller.
Also, i think crit rush + WB is just more fun than ambush, etc.
Cool stuff man. I've played a sorc and only a sorc since forever but just started using my NB. Quick question: Why do you use crit rush, executioner, and wrecking blow instead of ambush, killer's blade, and surprise attack?
Loved the clip of the guy trying to gank during the 3v3 and the few times you did try zerg bombing remember that in 1.5 they would have been wiped
well im not him but a few things why i´d use them:
killer blade < executioner as it is a magical attack thus you have to push thaumaturge to increase its dmg with the caped CP points acheavable currently executioner is significantly stronger.
with the current lag you are facing WB is alot more reliable than SA thx to its increased range, in a laggy situation im facing 3-4x more often the target not in range massage with SA than with WB
crit rush does more dmg allows to wave a heavy or in some cases even a WB into its animation directly followed by an ecxecutioner - ambush now has a slight ability lock out after arriving your target denying such -- evem though i prefer ambush over CR
Cool stuff man. I've played a sorc and only a sorc since forever but just started using my NB. Quick question: Why do you use crit rush, executioner, and wrecking blow instead of ambush, killer's blade, and surprise attack?
Loved the clip of the guy trying to gank during the 3v3 and the few times you did try zerg bombing remember that in 1.5 they would have been wiped
well im not him but a few things why i´d use them:
killer blade < executioner as it is a magical attack thus you have to push thaumaturge to increase its dmg with the caped CP points acheavable currently executioner is significantly stronger.
with the current lag you are facing WB is alot more reliable than SA thx to its increased range, in a laggy situation im facing 3-4x more often the target not in range massage with SA than with WB
crit rush does more dmg allows to wave a heavy or in some cases even a WB into its animation directly followed by an ecxecutioner - ambush now has a slight ability lock out after arriving your target denying such -- evem though i prefer ambush over CR
Correct me if I'm wrong but even though Killer's blade does magic damage it scales off of stamina and weapon damage. Having said that, Executioner's execute starts at %50 vs Killer's Blade which I believe is at %30 so yeah I guess it's better. Also, it is a magic attack, where people have spec'd heavy into magic mitigation so you would need more points into Spell Erosion.
But don't you miss out on the critical passives by going with the weapon skills instead of the assassin skills?
Also, with Ambush supposedly you can weave in a light attack and a surprise attack and still get the stealth bonus. Not sure about that ability lockout.