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Veteran Level 3 Bored to Quit ESO


I am veteran level 4 (Khajit, Templar, vampire) and not enjoying game anymore. I played around 2 months.

I am feeling bored due to several reasons and not enjoying anymore.. some of reasons are:

1. My most of skills are 50 and they are not anymore increasing (I maxed almost 80% of all skills), i believe max limit should be increased to 100 or 200 as most MMORPG do

2. No good trade mechanism i.e. Guild Stores are slow and I never used even once, may be introducing something like Grand Exchange can help i.e. i enjoy making money via trader but in ESO its very boring and difficult

3. Veteran Alliance Zones are mostly empty (without players), I am in Ebonheart and hardly see anyone playing, initially i was thinking same experience like my alliance. Doing solo questing and getting bored...

4. Monster killing is just boring, I do not want to kill any low level monster (just sneaking around) as they do not give any XP anymore

5. PVP Campaigns are too much boring, long horse riding without fun. Hardly seeing any enemy alliance player to kill. Capture the Castle or flag Mini games should be introduced with small maps size

6. No Player Versus Player Arena, i should be able to put stake on duel 1 VS 1 or 2 VS 2

7. Summoning is limited to sorcerers class only

8. Imperial City DLC is a way too much boring, i went to Cyrodill and found nothing amazed, few quests and campaigns are waste of time..

9. After I turned to Veteran Level, i never visited my Alliance Zone except for a main quest. This is a way too much boring. As your alliance zone is only a place with full of other players

10. Public dungeons looks same i.e. same monsters mostly, no bosses, no special drops and always scaled to my level? i never able to do solo as getting dead in few minutes...

11. Mounts/Pets no help in fights?

12. Loot scaled up to level? but why? is this not makes game less fun as you always get what u want easily from monster drops. I never bought anything from Merchant except lock picks.. and why i can not buy what other people sold to merchants ???

13. Why every merchant is buying every stuff and for same price?

14. I am Veteran Level 4 and 3-4 enemies (Veteran Level 1) together are killing me easily, i am sure armors stats are probably not working..

14. Maximizing skills level only unlocks abilities and does not provide any stat bonus

15. Poor sword and bow combats, dodging is purely a waste as it consumes huge stamina and hardly I use this

16. Not able to find Dungeon groups easily, getting request in queue and nothing happened

17. No text chatting??? you must be joking, as lot of noise is always coming through voice chats and mostly i am not using it. It might be good for FPS games but not for RPG games..

18. Limited Skills & Abilities

19. Vampires and Werewolves no guild? or quests except main quest?, also being vampire and werewolf does not change NPC behavior or quests

20. Armor is getting damaged even if using Magic and never gotten hit and why can not make Repair Kits?

Guys give some idea/suggestions, if how to enjoy this game anymore..

I am ESO Plus subscriber and going to quit this soon..
  • demustacio
    get the orsinium DLC and play it. oh and, start playing on PC ;)
    You won't see what hit you
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    N64 NA EP
  • KingYogi415
    This has to be satire.
    nobody is this much of a scrub!

  • Van_0S
    Veteran lvl are for grinding only. Since you are templar use butting jabs, repentance and quick cloak(DW), for PvP use bow.

    Well, now on the topic. Yep, this game is boring once you reach max lvl,the only fun it offers is PvP but since you don't enjoy that then......its best you play some other good mmorpg.
  • Jameser78
    Seems like everything is boring to you.
    Go to school and learn a new trade or something, get out into the world.
    Looks like nothing game wise will ever entertain you.
  • AmmonErebos
    1. you sound like a runescape fanboy who wants every game to match runescape...
    2. you are obviously playing on a console and therefore the options are more limited... (hence no text chat... because lets face it text chat on console sucks)
    3. if you are struggling against v1 enemies when you are v4 you most likely have a poor build/armour
    4. i highly doubt you have 'every ability at 50' as that takes much longer than v4 to achieve... if you mean you have a minute fraction of skills that you chose to use maxed to 50 then i believe you... even if you get a skill-line to 50 doesn't mean all the skills in that line are leveled/effective
  • Spacemonkey

    or good bye <- really. no hard feelings, we'll even send you a fishy stick picture if you delete your account, today.
  • cossamaximus
    This thread is boring lol! don't like the game and want to throw in the towel.... we get it, but save us the agro and go quietly.

  • Brrrofski
    Honestly, sounds liekyour issue is that you play alone.

    Hit up the guild section and join a guild.

    Pvp is a lot more fun.

    You have people to level by questing/grinding with.

    People to do dungeons with.

    People to help you with armor and builds to make the game a lot better (by what you said some help would make it more enjoyable). In return, you can help other people out once you understand the game better yourself.

    Hell, sometimes we're all doing our own thing but there's people just hanging around in guild chat just talking about whatever so it doesn't feel so lonely.

    Joining a good guild would honestly eradicate half the issues you have with the game. I felt like this too (at two vr16 toons). I ended up joining a guild advertised here and gave the game a new life.

    There's people doing pvp (working as a team well and having a blast) dungeons or grinding new characters together. I'm about to hit vr16 on my 4th character and having more fun than ever (except grinding from VR 1 to 11 in the last 2 days - that wasn't a lot of fun...)

    Check the guild section and join one. At least SEE if it does change the game before quitting.
    Edited by Brrrofski on December 3, 2015 4:05PM
  • Bailer88
    Soul Shriven
    Please keep the complaints coming.... your tears are better for upgrading my gear than Tempered Alloy and Grain Solvents EVER WERE!
  • Greiver
    1. you sound like a runescape fanboy who wants every game to match runescape...
    2. you are obviously playing on a console and therefore the options are more limited... (hence no text chat... because lets face it text chat on console sucks)
    3. if you are struggling against v1 enemies when you are v4 you most likely have a poor build/armour
    4. i highly doubt you have 'every ability at 50' as that takes much longer than v4 to achieve... if you mean you have a minute fraction of skills that you chose to use maxed to 50 then i believe you... even if you get a skill-line to 50 doesn't mean all the skills in that line are leveled/effective

    Text chat on consoles actually work well, and would make the group finder more useless then it already is.
    Examples: Dcuo and Ff14 both had text chat and worked great. Made grouping for anything 1 million times better the it is now.
    Ps4 Na Daggerfall
    Elders of Daggerfall
    High Elf Sorc
    Catshit Nightblade
    Imperial Templar
    Dark elf Dk
  • Bnec
    yeh sounds like your a runescape player expecting the elements of rs to be in this game , sadly they're not , they are very different games and i think the reason you aren't enjoying this game is because you are playing alone , i transferred to ESO after playing rs for nearly 9 years , now i too was expecting a trade system like the ge, range to be as effective as it was pking , magic to be different and all the rest , and i too had some of the problems you're having but TRUST ME this game has so much more to offer you , you just need to find some friends , join some communities , join some guilds , post on the forums and get involved as i can tell you from experience there is a lot of communities out there recruiting and you will learn so much from those players and learn to enjoy the game and play it as it is meant to be played , IN A GROUP , as for your monster drop issue at endgame some of the best sets in the game are RNG rare drops from difficult dungeons with epic boss fights , and you can make serious money in IC farming the trophys and selling agility rings and willpower rings , so my advice is get involved in some guilds , give pvp a go when your higher level and understand the mechanics a bit more because the first time i pvp'd i hated it , now 2 months later i finished rank 31 in Azura's star.
  • Dradhok
    1. you sound like a runescape fanboy who wants every game to match runescape...
    2. you are obviously playing on a console and therefore the options are more limited... (hence no text chat... because lets face it text chat on console sucks)
    3. if you are struggling against v1 enemies when you are v4 you most likely have a poor build/armour
    4. i highly doubt you have 'every ability at 50' as that takes much longer than v4 to achieve... if you mean you have a minute fraction of skills that you chose to use maxed to 50 then i believe you... even if you get a skill-line to 50 doesn't mean all the skills in that line are leveled/effective

    I agree with most of your points. However, I disagree with console chat sucking. It can be done very well like in FFXIV and there are some very good wireless keyboards.
  • Alucardo
    I'd ask for your stuff, but it's probably crap
  • OrderOfLight

    Thank You ,Lord_Dexter. Now I know what awaits here, alone player.
    The only sense - to find friends and play together.

    Edited by OrderOfLight on December 29, 2015 11:28PM
    "If You have nothing to say, do not say".

    "Cynic - a Greek word, translated on common, it means:
    a pig who wish, that the whole world knew , that she a pig". ( A.P.Chekhov)
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