"Not another step!" - Orsinum guards

Today as a filthy khajiit(with a polymorph). I tried to stole some goodies from Orsinium Bank. Sadly i was unlucky and a big bad guard seen me and wanted/tried to catch me, but she was not able to do it. So thanks to her "affinity" i stuck with her for 10 minute.


ZOS please fix the guard a.i.. They can become really annoying when they simply just catch you and not do more then just stending and shouting "Not another step!" and and then you cant move because they catch you again and doing the same nothing,
Edited by WeerW3ir on November 18, 2015 7:40PM
  • stonerskate109
    Happened to me yoo
  • altemriel
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Today as a filthy khajiit(with a polymorph). I tried to stole some goodies from Orsinium Bank. Sadly i was unlucky and a big bad guard seen me and wanted/tried to catch me, but she was not able to do it. So thanks to her "affinity" i stuck with her for 10 minute.


    ZOS please fix the guard a.i.. They can become really annoying when they simply just catch you and not do more then just stending and shouting "Not another step!" and and then you cant move because they catch you again and doing the same nothing,

    did not the "/stuck" console command help to escape?
  • Personofsecrets
    Watch it milk drinker.
  • Alucardo
    Confirmed, happened with me also.
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