Would allow people to see the progression of their character and actually learn their characters vs equally matched opponents.
As it is now people think they are gods in non-vet campaigns, then boom getting owned by vet 16's.
Take the training wheels off and remove champion points which are related to veteran ranks from non-vet campaigns.
EDIT: I've got several people on my friends list who went on to vet their characters, stopped playing them to come back with new non-vet characters. The transition is too jarring because the non-vet character isn't even real. The only reason many people even go on to combat overpowered v16's is to earn champion points to have an edge back in non-vet....
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
The champion point system is ruining your game because it's not geared towards what class you are, it's just a free for all with everyone dumping points in skills like hardy...
Justice31st wrote: »Would allow people to see the progression of their character and actually learn their characters vs equally matched opponents.
As it is now people think they are gods in non-vet campaigns, then boom getting owned by vet 16's.
Take the training wheels off and remove champion points which are related to veteran ranks from non-vet campaigns.
EDIT: I've got several people on my friends list who went on to vet their characters, stopped playing them to come back with new non-vet characters. The transition is too jarring because the non-vet character isn't even real. The only reason many people even go on to combat overpowered v16's is to earn champion points to have an edge back in non-vet....
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
The champion point system is ruining your game because it's not geared towards what class you are, it's just a free for all with everyone dumping points in skills like hardy...
I disagree, they have recently put in a champion point cap, and a catch up mechanic to even the playing field.
Justice31st wrote: »Would allow people to see the progression of their character and actually learn their characters vs equally matched opponents.
As it is now people think they are gods in non-vet campaigns, then boom getting owned by vet 16's.
Take the training wheels off and remove champion points which are related to veteran ranks from non-vet campaigns.
EDIT: I've got several people on my friends list who went on to vet their characters, stopped playing them to come back with new non-vet characters. The transition is too jarring because the non-vet character isn't even real. The only reason many people even go on to combat overpowered v16's is to earn champion points to have an edge back in non-vet....
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
The champion point system is ruining your game because it's not geared towards what class you are, it's just a free for all with everyone dumping points in skills like hardy...
I disagree, they have recently put in a champion point cap, and a catch up mechanic to even the playing field.
While I agree 100% that's at least a step in the right direction I still do fail to see what champion points have to do with non-vet campaigns, atleast offer us a non battle level and champion point campaign then @ZOS
Call it the pure campaign.
Would allow people to see the progression of their character and actually learn their characters vs equally matched opponents.
As it is now people think they are gods in non-vet campaigns, then boom getting owned by vet 16's.
Take the training wheels off and remove champion points which are related to veteran ranks from non-vet campaigns.
EDIT: I've got several people on my friends list who went on to vet their characters, stopped playing them to come back with new non-vet characters. The transition is too jarring because the non-vet character isn't even real. The only reason many people even go on to combat overpowered v16's is to earn champion points to have an edge back in non-vet....
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
The champion point system is ruining your game because it's not geared towards what class you are, it's just a free for all with everyone dumping points in skills like hardy...
a.skelton92 wrote: »Would allow people to see the progression of their character and actually learn their characters vs equally matched opponents.
As it is now people think they are gods in non-vet campaigns, then boom getting owned by vet 16's.
Take the training wheels off and remove champion points which are related to veteran ranks from non-vet campaigns.
EDIT: I've got several people on my friends list who went on to vet their characters, stopped playing them to come back with new non-vet characters. The transition is too jarring because the non-vet character isn't even real. The only reason many people even go on to combat overpowered v16's is to earn champion points to have an edge back in non-vet....
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
The champion point system is ruining your game because it's not geared towards what class you are, it's just a free for all with everyone dumping points in skills like hardy...
Whilst battle leveling IS staying I am pretty sure with the Orsinium patch they have made it so your attribute points actually effect your stats now. So someone with more points in stam etc will actually see a difference , also gear matters now, equiping a stronger weapon will ACTUALLY increase your damage haha.
This is in patch notes. Hoping its as good as it sounds!
Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.
Justice31st wrote: »
I disagree, they have recently put in a champion point cap, and a catch up mechanic to even the playing field.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.
Just like how v16's one shot v1's in vet campaigns? People would have to protect anyone coming in lower level, just like in Dark Age of Camelot, sometimes the lower level was used as bait in a trap, also they got greater rewards for being there underlevel or even managing to kill a higher level.
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Battle leveling should have been put in for v1's to vs v16's not 1-50 Pvp...... and it's only needed in 1-50 Pvp because people have so many darn champion points they would destroy you without battle leveled stats.
Just lol. With battle leveling turned off a level 49 with 0 cp would easiely oneshot every low level player even if he would have 3600 cp.
Just like how v16's one shot v1's in vet campaigns? People would have to protect anyone coming in lower level, just like in Dark Age of Camelot, sometimes the lower level was used as bait in a trap, also they got greater rewards for being there underlevel or even managing to kill a higher level.