In Eastmarch, south of Jorunn's Stand, you may find Sonya Lastblood. She is a spirit who appears as you pass near a gravestone and a circle of candles. Sonya and her three daughters were murdered by her husband, who buried their remains in separate places. She asks you to find the remains and bring them to her, so that she can rest in peace. The clues as to their respective locations are excerpts from her husband's written remarks about where he buried each one as well as why he buried each one where he did.
It takes a while to play this "side quest". Your adventurer must travel to three widely-separated areas in Eastmarch to find and collect each daughter's remains. But I believe you will find it worthwhile. Let's just say that the quest doesn't end in the way that you likely expected. For the heart of the unfolding story is recognizing how much her husband so obviously loved his daughters, in particular. The conclusion is learning why he killed them, as well as his wife, and how he felt about doing so.
The husband's short account in the complete
Hadmal Lastblood's Journal is especially eloquent. It concludes one of the best-written stories that I have found in Tamriel thus far. Truly, when you find the journal, you should take the time to read it. It is not very long and well worth the effort. That said, there are things that you may come to realize from doing this quest, which I will leave for you to discover for yourself -- if only because experiencing the quest is how it is best to learn them.
Often when I post messages on these forums, I may criticize the software designers and programmers, in particular, because I find fault with some ESOTU features. But the game is far more than software. It is a collection of fictional stories, works of creative imagination brought to life in the actions of the players, as they pursue the quest that tells each story.
Hadmal Lastblood's Journal and the quest it concludes reflect a love of literature that I find wonderful and admirable. In me, its author has a kindred spirit.

Again, I offer my congratulations and thanks to the quest designers and writers for their work in creating Tamriel and offering it for our pleasure and delight. We are forever in your debt. Grumble though we may about various features of the game, at heart we know that
you make it worthwhile to play.
Edited by Shadowshire on November 18, 2015 12:50AM --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1
nil carborundum illegitimi