1) Should be Removed DOT classification from Flurry, its melee strikes, not bleeding or other real DOT.
2) Move maelstrome daggers in trash, because its daggers. I want play with swords only, in principle. Where is my choice? Why master weapons for DW only daggers and axes? It is a conspiracy and coercion.
3) Wrecking Blow more and more strongly to Rapid Strikes. Wrecking Blow has more damage, faster, has cc, and grants Empower. And WB greatly working with Surge.
I figured out that you can fully charge a heavy attack behind flurry which when dual wielding maelstrom daggers makes it a pretty impressive damage ability (Without the heavy attack it is weak). Follow that with the healing morph of Twin Slashes and you get a 2500-3K Healing tick on a dot.
3) How does Surge work better with WBlow than with other skills? Also again - noone is forcing you to use Maelstrom Weapons. You use it IF YOU INTEND to use the skills that gets buffed - if you dont want to use those skills, then use other weapons. That's called...choice!