Hello all,
I know this topic has been brought up enough, but I have my reasons for bringing it up again. I love playing on the PC and really have no urge to switch to console. I am in the army and deploying in the near future to a location I am unable to share, but a location that allows internet access and the ability to play ESO on my off time. My problem is I don't have a laptop, nor do I have the ability to bring my PC. I do however have the ability to bring my xbox one.
So, this is my argument/recommendation. With the new Orsinium update, it caps the CP so PC transfers are no longer going to be a ruling factor. I'm sure there are other logistical aspects I don't see from my side, but it just seems it is now feasible to implement a character/account transfer system since the unfair advantage of some pc users over console can be regulated. I only have about 213 CP but, I really do not want to start over. I've spent quite a bit of time on my account and would hate to see that time wasted since my time is quite limited already due to the nature of my job.
Please share your thoughts. Happy hunting to all!