As it stands there only seem to be 3 'useful' monster sets.
Engine Guardian for sustain
Nerianeth or Molag Kena for damage
Due to the low drop chance and random traits, plus the simple fact that the 'usefulness' of each set changes all the time, depending on which one they want to nerf next, it would make far more sense to me if:
Instead of the final boss of a veteran dungeon having a small chance of dropping a monster helm of random trait, change it to 'a small chance of dropping a BoP 'equipment' recipe'
So still becomes difficult to get, but once dropped you can learn the recipe and craft monster helms of ANY level with the trait you choose.
Any item crafted with the recipe is also BoP so as not to change the market from what it currently stands as.
Shoulders work in the same pattern, but with the recipe dropping from undaunted chest (increased chance bronze>>silver>>.gold)
The other option (and to draw out the process slightly) is to add a new research tab to each equipment craft.
So: light/medium helm/shoulder once acquired can be researched via clothing etc.
Random thought and quickly written, but what are peoples thoughts on this?


