Here’s my situation:
I am currently a VR 16 Stam Khajiit NB. I used to run a bow but switched to 2H and DW. I have around 150 Champion Points (around 50 in the Blue Tree). I have about 30 in Mighty, 10 in Precise Strikes, 10 in Piercing.
With my current armor (4 piece Ashen Grip, 5 piece Hundings (occasionally swap to Night’s Silence) and CP, my melee damage seems pretty strong, and I am happy with the build.
Now I am thinking about bringing the Bow back, or at least crafting one to use occasionally and swap to 2H/Bow…
My questions are surrounding the Blue CP tree and its effect on using a Bow. Basically I want to maximize my damage and make sure I am putting CP in the right places:
1)I would assume the Bow attacks are considered “Physical Damage”, and that being heavily invested in “Mighty” will increase bow damage. Can anyone confirm this assumption?
2)Certain bow abilities involve poison damage (Poison Injection, Acid Spray, Lethal Arrow). “ Thaumaturge” increases poison damage, but I currently have no points in it. Will these 3 abilities benefit only from “Thaumaturge”, or are they also somewhat affected by “Mighty”?
3)Some of these abilities have non-poison morphs (ex. Lethal Arrow vs. Focused Aim). Assuming I do not put any points into “Thaumaturge”, will Focused Aim hit harder than Lethal Arrow?
Overall, I think that 2H melee will always be the bread and butter for me. Can I effectively spec my CP in a way that maximizes both 2H and Bow, or will I be forced to take some out of Mighty. I am not sure I am willing to water down my melee damage in order to implement the bow. Any advice/tips are appreciated.
Wood Elf Stam NB (PVP)
Redguard Stam Sorc (PVP)
Altmer NB (DPS)
Imperial DK (Tank)
Redguard DK (DPS)
Altmer Templar (Healer)
EP - PS4