So I know a lot of people feel like The lighting patch was the downfall of eso pvp, the start of crazy lag and frame rate issues for many of us. Given ZoS's recent desire to experiment with campaign rule sets and such, any chance we could get a PVP server with that "improvement" removed? I'm not suggesting anything long term, yet, however, given the overwhelming number of people who started experiencing issues after you released this patch, I would think that 1 weekend of testing to confirm or deny this is the issue isn't too much to ask.
I'm not trying to be critical, but, it seems exceedingly dumb that we have so much lag anytime we engage in "large scale" pvp that drew many of us to this game in the first place. Please just test this possible fix that's been suggested by your player base over9000 times. It gets harder and harder to want to play this game when its just a huge gear grind to get BiS, go do endgame pvp with said gear, then get lag that makes the game totally unplayable