hey folks,
usually i dont write in forums and especially not with complaints.
and i'm not a native english-speaker, so please excuse my grammar.
this time i just have to point something out which really bothers me (and i think many other players aswell).
first off, i love the game as such. i loved all elderscrolls games and i think you guys are great in designing a fascinating, intoxicating and immersive world.
from the first hour in this game it was noticeable that a lot of love and effort getting into details. which makes playing the game really satisfying.
i couldnt get rid of the feeling tho, that since IC something in there has changed, something is noticeable different. i been thinking a lot about what it could be and after a while i think i found out what bothers me at the moment.
it's the feeling, that you changed your policy. a feeling that you changed the path your walking on together with us players. the feeling, you badly want to keep people busy with farming/grinding as long as possible. tell me if i'm wrong, but i don't think it has always been like that.
i've been farming WGT and IP with my friends for 2 months (no joke, nearly every day several hours) because it was challenging and fun..first.
after we realised, that the dropchance of the sets we like to farm there combined with the random-traits and the fact they're bound, we started to question what we're actually doing there. it felt stupid somehow. like if somebody wants to keep you away from your coins you actually "working" and spending a lot of time for.
after the two months and the announcement of orsinium some of us had the sets and traits they wanted to, others didnt even see some items or got 3 pieces in "well-fitted".
this weird feeling of beeing in some sort of a "job creation scheme" (sorry, had to directly translate it from german) continues now in Orsinium....
since day one i'm running maelstrom veteran. it's hard, unforgiving and challenging. it's supposed to be like that and i really like that.
there are several things i really dislike about it tho. i'll just list em
- itemization : the sets dropping in there. they're not horrible, but i dont know anybody who is "happy" about looting anything in there except of the Master Weapons. they might have some usage in pvp or some special encounters, but they don't contribute to actually improving/mastering the content which is....the Arena and PvP (which is probably at it's worst performance at the moment aswell). everything is BoP, i mean not that somebody would actually buy these things for a lot of money, but that would at least be one way of getting the costs these runs create. another thing i realized when i actually was having a look at all the gear i've been looting in vetMA. i've been keeping 36 of the items i found in there and checked theyre traits. 3 divines, 8 reinforced, 4 infused and 21 of em are well-fitted! i've been talking to other players and asked them about they're feeling. and they confirmed the impression, that well-fitted is the most common trait you seem to get in vetMA.
i hope it's not, but still it underlines the general impression i have about the policy ZOS is walking with now. and that's not only unsatisfying as a player, it's even kinda imoral and doesnt really suit a game, which actually wants to be somehow a more "mature and adult" game then others games are and where you can actually expect such policy.
- droprates[/i: i did around 15-20 runs so far and i found 1 (one) single Masterweapon in the chest. i know, its a random chance like everything. but combined with the impression i was explaining before, it leads to a weird, unsatisfying gameplay.
and the weekly-rewards. wow. shouldnt it be rewarding if somebody is able to run and finish the hardest content in the game right now with a good score? getting the same stuff u get while running the first boss but in improved quality is everything else then satisfying, really. bump the chances of Masterweapons or Jewelry in there or bring something Unique or at least something useful as weekly-rewards. This is really horrible.
- gold sink: you need potions in there, and you most likely will die a lot. it takes a lot of time to complete and getting used to mechanics aswell. if your not rich already, you might only be able to run it every 2 or 3 days (depends on how much time you have to play) because you have to farm gold during the runs. intended?
- random factors: several glitches and mechanics are just really horrible. the stranglers, which pull you and (seems if you're to far away from them) teleport you back to where you've been before ...and maybe a snake is giving you a warm welcome with a heavyattack and a poison+lightningcloud happens to appear beneath your feet.
the poison on stage 7 is something similar. it's spawns randomly and it happened 5 times to me already, that i just got agonized by a berserker (instantly broke it) and simultaniously poison spawned beneath my feet. of course, i could slot some interrupt for this case, but is it intended to be like that? and for some reason it's not possible to avoid agony with a rolldodge, you'll still get the CC.
one last annoying thing is that if you slack with the DPS on last boss or fall down from the upper circle, you have to handly another daedroths. if u decide to only kill the clannfear near the portal and leave the daedroths, because it's kinda hard to handly both of em, you will most likely die upstairs. you know why? because if you get the burning breath debuff , kill clannfear and go upstairs you'll keep burning upstairs until you come down again.
Does anybody else have similar feelings? Or is it just my destructive-thinking which leads me to conclusion like that?
Sharun Nihm (Darkelf Nightblade, Rank 23)
Zinaan Darnthor (Breton Templar, Rank 13)
Shaarun (Imperial Sorcerer, Rank 4)
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