How to create a pvp stam sorc:
Play your own way, except make sure you have wrecking blow slotted because its your only viable dps ability because dw skills don't synergise with critical surge. Oh and while your at it slot almost all of the remaining 2h abilities because you have no other options available to you. Also don't forget to slot the only ultimate that benefits your weapon power in such a way that nothing else is worth it. For your 2nd bar, after you slot resolving vigor because its the only dedicated heal for stamina users and you will die faster without it, make sure you find space for 3 of the 18 sorcerer abilities that will actually benefit you without gimping you and throw on either poison arrow or steel tornado.
If you want to make the game even more boring, drop 2 abilities and slot the bound armaments toggle.
Logged in tonight and I have just lost all enthusiasm for this game and its boring metas.