Let me preface this by saying.. I play on XBOX 1 EU, I am vet 7 and just turned off battle leveling today due to magick regen bug. With my current build and food buffs (plus a few Cyrodiil buffs) I am sitting around 24k Mag, 26K Health, 8.5k Stam.
Now for my rant / vent...
Lately I have noticed that I can hardly sprint 20 meters before I run out of Stam... I tested this today at Roebek keep, I sprinted from the inner gate door and I ran out of Stam before I even made it to the outer gate door. This by itself is annoying but understandable, however coupled with a few other problems and it becomes a huge pain in the A**. Because I am a magicka Temp and I primarily heal it means I am always stuck in combat thus I cannot mount up, so I have to sprint everywhere but I cannot sprint very far because my stam drains so fast. Once my stam is out I can no longer sprint/block/roll and I am a sitting duck to wrecking blow spammers. This just happened to me tonight. I threw out a couple of heals at a resource and everyone took off on mount while i was doing my best for the first 20 meters to keep up on foot but that ended once I was out of stam and then I got demolished by a NB spamming WB. My death log look like this - Ambush 2500k, WB 3800, WB 5000, WB 9500, WB 9500 (the numbers are not exact but close). I was running radiant magelight so the Ambush did nothing to me and oddly enough the first WB did not knock me down as I think I had just enough stam by then to block once but the following one did knock me down and I was dead before I could get back up.
ZOS, if you are not going to fix the stuck in combat bug from heals then you really need to make Sprinting drain whatever resource is higher (mag or stam) because as it stands stam classes can run the Boston Marathon and not even break a sweat, most times if a Stam users gets caught while sprinting then they still have enough resources left over to do a few roll dodges / blocks to try and turn the fight back into their favor. The best I could probable do is carry a few stam pots with me but this would only be good for maybe a few blocks or roll dodges and then I am back to 0.
Another thing that I have heard and have noticed as well is that CC immunity is broken. As an example, tonight I was knocked down by Crystal Frags and as soon as I got back up I was knocked down by something else (not sure what as we don't have a combat log on XBOX).
Ok rant over for now (sorry but it was bugging me).. hopefull I can get some constructive feedback on this!!

PS. I am curious as to what the average stam cost is for vet level skills vs mag cost of vet level skills? I am guessing that the average magicka pool for a magicka user is the same as a Stam users stam pool right? So if the cost of skills are the same for both mag and stam users then Zos really should change sprint/roll/block to use your highest resource. This way as a Mag user I could better use my Stam for a few Stam skills just like Stam players use their limited Mag on a few magicka skills.