Templar Attributes

Soul Shriven
My Attributes:





Boon: The Steed

Nord Templar, Vet Lvl 3.
I wear mostly (if not all) heavy armor & use dual blades.
I want some opinions and/or suggestions from you all.
How am I doing? Also, should I have a different boon?
Dungeons anyone? I'm really behind!

Xbox One, GT is PickleZ ina JAR
NA Server, Ebonheart Pact
Nord Templar, VR 3
  • Reverb
    Your stats are right down the middle, it looks like you are going for a hybrid build. Those are really, really difficult to do effectively in ESO. I would advise deciding whether you want to be a magic or a stamina build, then focus your gear and stats for that. That will also help determine the best mundus boon to use.

    Let us know what direction you want to go in, or what about your current build you're struggling with, and the community will have plenty of suggestions.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • PickleZinaJAR
    Soul Shriven
    Reverb wrote: »
    Your stats are right down the middle, it looks like you are going for a hybrid build. Those are really, really difficult to do effectively in ESO. I would advise deciding whether you want to be a magic or a stamina build, then focus your gear and stats for that. That will also help determine the best mundus boon to use.

    Let us know what direction you want to go in, or what about your current build you're struggling with, and the community will have plenty of suggestions.
    Thank you for replying!
    Hmm... maybe I should focus on magic build?
    Dungeons anyone? I'm really behind!

    Xbox One, GT is PickleZ ina JAR
    NA Server, Ebonheart Pact
    Nord Templar, VR 3
  • PickleZinaJAR
    Soul Shriven
    Reverb wrote: »
    Your stats are right down the middle, it looks like you are going for a hybrid build. Those are really, really difficult to do effectively in ESO. I would advise deciding whether you want to be a magic or a stamina build, then focus your gear and stats for that. That will also help determine the best mundus boon to use.

    Let us know what direction you want to go in, or what about your current build you're struggling with, and the community will have plenty of suggestions.

    Oh! When you say hybrid build what do you mean exactly?
    Edited by PickleZinaJAR on November 10, 2015 2:39PM
    Dungeons anyone? I'm really behind!

    Xbox One, GT is PickleZ ina JAR
    NA Server, Ebonheart Pact
    Nord Templar, VR 3
  • Reverb
    Reverb wrote: »
    Your stats are right down the middle, it looks like you are going for a hybrid build. Those are really, really difficult to do effectively in ESO. I would advise deciding whether you want to be a magic or a stamina build, then focus your gear and stats for that. That will also help determine the best mundus boon to use.

    Let us know what direction you want to go in, or what about your current build you're struggling with, and the community will have plenty of suggestions.

    Oh! When you say hybrid build what do you mean exactly?

    Hybrid being both magic and stamina. Your max mana and stam are very close, as are your weapon and spell damage/crit ratings. Truly effective builds skew heavily one way or the other.

    Hybrid builds work ok at lower levels, but at vet difficulty, it's better to specialize. Many Templar skills have both a magic and a stamima morph, so be sure to choose the one that suits your build most. For example - on a magic build, choosing the Biting Jabs morph would be ineffective because the damage scales on max stamina.

    I hope that helps a little.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • PickleZinaJAR
    Soul Shriven
    Reverb wrote: »
    Hybrid being both magic and stamina. Your max mana and stam are very close, as are your weapon and spell damage/crit ratings. Truly effective builds skew heavily one way or the other.

    Hybrid builds work ok at lower levels, but at vet difficulty, it's better to specialize. Many Templar skills have both a magic and a stamima morph, so be sure to choose the one that suits your build most. For example - on a magic build, choosing the Biting Jabs morph would be ineffective because the damage scales on max stamina.

    I hope that helps a little.

    Oh okay. Do most if not all of the spells use stamina too? Like the spells that deal with your weapons?
    Hmmm.... I honestly have no idea if I should focus on magic or stamina.
    I think I'm leaning towards magic.
    Edited by PickleZinaJAR on November 10, 2015 3:01PM
    Dungeons anyone? I'm really behind!

    Xbox One, GT is PickleZ ina JAR
    NA Server, Ebonheart Pact
    Nord Templar, VR 3
  • Reverb
    Oh, I should add that there are exceptions for dedicated tank builds. One of the most effective templar tanks I know has every stat into health and splits his mana and stam almost down the middle. He uses mostly magic skills and taps his stam pool only for taunting and blocking. He has amazing survivability, but deals almost squat for damage. That character can't get anything done solo, and only does group content. That is a completely valid build and playstyle if that's the direction you want to go.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • PickleZinaJAR
    Soul Shriven
    Reverb wrote: »
    Oh, I should add that there are exceptions for dedicated tank builds. One of the most effective templar tanks I know has every stat into health and splits his mana and stam almost down the middle. He uses mostly magic skills and taps his stam pool only for taunting and blocking. He has amazing survivability, but deals almost squat for damage. That character can't get anything done solo, and only does group content. That is a completely valid build and playstyle if that's the direction you want to go.

    That sounds like something I'd like. With that build do you think it makes up for not doing hardly any damage? I can't do dungeons solo right now even if I wanted to. Everything else I can most of the time, and I prefer it.

    Sometimes I run out of health quicker then I think I should. Lately I've been doing pretty good though, besides earlier today. I had three bloodfiends attack me at once. I looked down at my health and it was really low. It seemed like my health got low a bit too quick. I didn't die, but geesh.

    I've also noticed that with some boss fights (I guess that's what they are, the skull & crossbone icons) if I'm the same level as them, they kill me and sometimes pretty quick. I usually go back and finish the ones that murdered me when I'm one level higher.
    Edited by PickleZinaJAR on November 10, 2015 3:27PM
    Dungeons anyone? I'm really behind!

    Xbox One, GT is PickleZ ina JAR
    NA Server, Ebonheart Pact
    Nord Templar, VR 3
  • Kozai
    The only reason you would want a dedicated tank build is if you plan to tank dungeons and similar hard content for teams. I've got one character built that way, and he dies more often solo than my Magika Templar, because he kills things slowly enough solo that they have time to beat through his tankiness. He is a pretty good tank, and I actually plan to do a respec to make him even MORE balanced because I think that will help his tankiness, but it will hurt his soloability.

    If you want to do most things solo, but some dungeons on teams, I suggest a Magika Templar, because it is very easy to change equipment and skills in slots and go between a pretty solid dps build, good soloing, and a pretty solid healer build, popular in dungeon teams. Train up a Restoration staff to go with your Dual Blades for the healing in dungeons thing, and wear mostly light armor with a couple pieces of heavy, and it should work well. Just make sure you pick up a few defensive skills too, like Rune Focus -> Channeled Focus and Light Armor, Annulment, and you will have to use "active" defenses like heals to some extent.

    Fighting 3 or more foes in the Vet levels, by the way, can drop your hit points surprisingly fast, they hit harder and are tougher than the same types of foes pre-Vet.
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