So with the changes to DoTs where they tick less but for more damage, i am wondering if this is a good or bad change for us. In PVE i cant see a difference but in PVP it could have a significant impact.
If the first tick is instant after castsing, then this is good for the attacker because it means you will apply more damage to your enemy instantly rather than over time.
In an example (please dont criticise numbers, its an example for easy working), if Eruption used to do 1000 dmg every second over 10 seconds, it is now doing 2000 dmg every 2nd second to make the same total over 10 seconds, BUT, if the 2000 is applied at the beginning, it means that you can do more damage to an opponent instantly using eruption, and he doesn’t have the chance to evade. Eg if he reacts in 3 seconds and dodges out of the area of effect, with the old system he would take 3000 before he is out, but with the new way, he would take 4000 damage before he is out. What this would mean though is that effectively the Dot is applied over 8 seconds and not over 10 seconds, which leads me to suspect that the first tick will NOT be applied on casting, but will be only after 2 seconds.
If the tick is delayed, which i hope to goodness it is not, then only after 2 seconds will 2000 dmg be applied, in which case in our same example above, by the time the defender is out of the area of effect they have only taken 2000 damage as opposed to 3000 damage.
Either way, in PVP, someone is going to benefit and someone is going to miss out.
For PVE i am not sure that this will make much difference unless you are a tank using one of these abilities for initial aggro on trash, where you may not have it instantly if the tick does not apply straight away. This would be particularly true of placing eruption down and waiting for the Trolls in sanctum to run into it to gain aggro - there may be a delay in aggro if the tick has just occured prior to them entering the area - this will be interesting to test.
My internet is invalid