Apprentice is the worst one..
thief or shadow depending on gear and champion point distribution.
mage is okay if you need the magicka
read it and learn.
Emma_Overload wrote: »As long as your crit is around 50% or higher, Shadow is the best. If your crit is dragging around that 30-40% range (or lower), I would go with Thief.
Emma_Overload wrote: »As long as your crit is around 50% or higher, Shadow is the best. If your crit is dragging around that 30-40% range (or lower), I would go with Thief.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »In PVE, Thief is best DPS unless wearing TBS, then you go with Thief + Shadow. If you need the attro, you have bad support or a bad rotation. Sustain is not easy on a sorc; I highly suggest you go vampire.
In PVP, I usually go attro for the regen, but there is no right answer here.Emma_Overload wrote: »As long as your crit is around 50% or higher, Shadow is the best. If your crit is dragging around that 30-40% range (or lower), I would go with Thief.
This is simply false, please dont listen to it. There is a point where shadow can outweigh thief, but your crit has to be really really high. Thief is the answer on a magic sorc, all day everyday. Most mSorcs are going to be in the low 60's for crit with thief and all divines. If its much higher, its because you are running precise weapons which is beyond stupid. Sharp is the most OP thing in the game.
Anyone still active in this thread ?
I read all the reactions and realised i was using apprentice only because someoNe told me it was the better !
Now i realise i must go thief or shadow for better dps ! Is the extra spell damage of apprentice not good enough compared to the crit chance extra damage ?
Someone was talking about the fact that your crit modifier needs to be higher than crit chance.
What the hell is crit modifier?