Why aren't you VR 16 yet?

I am currently experiencing the horrible burnout from grinding. Got my soon-to-be tank to VR 10 and it just hurts knowing that I have to do that again 5 more times.
Edited by Kammakazi on November 9, 2015 4:29PM

Why aren't you VR 16 yet? 395 votes

What are you talking about? I am VR 16.
FENGRUSHFurorflintstoneSlayerSyrenathesilverball_ESOHuggalumpwayfarerxvailjohn_ESOk9mouseNewBlacksmurfdjnapstyb14_ESOIllumousTakutoSteveCampsOutRDMyers65b14_ESOSaucy_JackTheBullElder_IIIKasZedh 151 votes
But moooooom I don't want to grind.
chuck-18_ESOZhoyzutillab14_ESOFaulgorIruil_ESOHexylJamersonb16_ESOJitterbugPaehnAnath_QAnilahationPhlatheadsiuollySkiseronySirCriticaltheroyalestpythonnub18_ESOimokie2609TroneonMarRybPahebe 46 votes
Screw you, I'm taking my time.
FlorialSunraUriel_Nocturnedaryl.rasmusenb14_ESODiviniusMercyKillingBeastnasPistolera_ESOmyrrrorb14_ESOsamueltannerb14_ESODreamo84ArmenuaPendrillionVerboseQuipsdreadlaxb16_ESObigbabyleonb16_ESOAlienSlofLaurSavinaCaroloces 110 votes
I don't play this game, but I ended up in the forums.
rager82b14_ESOb92303008rwb17_ESOpitkanencomplexeb17_ESOAgobiRomoIyasGyudansadownikWollustFlipd 10 votes
SirAndyFelixTheCattGidorickkupacmacMoonshadow66kayPOWDanikatArthur_SpoonfondleItsGlaiveRivan12SpAEkusFishBreathNecreliosElsirAldmor13Knaxia Ja50nXvovus69LeggiNyghthowler 44 votes
ConquersShadesofkinSpringt-Über-ZwergeTryxusladyonthemoonVictor_ChaosAtriasNaradaninf.toniceb17_ESOkuscoestarlizard70ub17_ESOSorataArisugawaPhatGrimReaperWeberdaAFrostWolfrunagateCebasakDDemonSergunsirston 34 votes
  • Karacule_Fairystar
    I'm taking my time (loading screens). That's why ;)
  • Kismias
    Soul Shriven
    I thought everyone was a V16. That is almost all I see in PVP. :smile:

    For me its because once I get to the point that I figure out the most efficient use of my class I tend to get bored and want to start over with a new entirely different class. I have a stamina sorc at V10 a magic sorc at V11 a stamina NB at V1 and a DK at 27 and a Templar at 11 which I stopped using because I couldn't stand using McStabby anymore.

  • RatedChaotic
    What are you talking about? I am VR 16.
    And in all v16 legendary with legendary enchants minus the rings and neck. They are purple
    Edited by RatedChaotic on November 9, 2015 4:37PM
  • DenMoria
    Honestly? I just don't have the time to play enough hours to make it to V16 yet, let alone V1!
  • Asmael
    Screw you, I'm taking my time.
    Leveling 8 alts to V16 is long.



    Very long.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • RAGUNAnoOne
    Not everyone started at the same time that is the second biggest reason why. biggest reason RL crap
    PS4 NA
    Argonian Master Race

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Support Tail armor and tail ribbons: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/236333/concept-tail-armor-for-beast-races#latest
  • DenMoria
    After losing ALL my data (2 V4's and 1/2 a dozen at 45-V1), had to start over. Just got my 1st restart up to level 15 and now starting an alt tonight.

    It is going to take me SOOOO long to get back to V1. Maybe I'll hit V16 by the time they get rid of V levels and implement the "What the heck level am I?" system.

    I would be discouraged, but my mad skills takes care of that for me. :wink:
  • notimetocare
    What are you talking about? I am VR 16.
    I have 4 lol
  • melianos
    Screw you, I'm taking my time.
    VR what ?
  • FlicksZ
    Screw you, I'm taking my time.
    Is there some mandatory rush requirement for me to get max lvl to enjoy the game?

    Mb. I will now nl this game like all the rest I use to, destroy it and my experience in the process and leave after I have done so. After that I may go write a review how I played it for thousand of hrs and how bad it is only to move on to the next game with all the same problems and repeat the process.....

  • MornaBaine
    It takes way too much time for those of us who are altoholics and like to really explore and roleplay as well as just grinding away. But also there is a lack of enjoyable content for those final VR levels (I have one VR 14 character and one VR2 and the rest are all under 40 presently). Cadwell's Silver and Gold is, to me, completely appalling and I DON'T like doing it. IF I make it to VR16 it will be due to Wrothgar, which I am praying has enough content to drag me through those last 2 endless levels.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • kupacmac
    I keep switching mains once I hit vet ranks... but I swear I'm going to hit v16 on my new main. No really.
  • Reznique
    Deez Nuts bro, deez nuts
  • Lirkin
    But moooooom I don't want to grind.
    I don't play in the warm weather and I don't know if I will level any character after getting to 50. I don't want to grind and if I begin to feel I am I will probably move on to another game.
  • Zouni
    What are you talking about? I am VR 16.
    I have two VR 16 - completed Caldwells Gold on both. Took my sweet time.
    Nyxtes - NB
    Nyxta - Sorc
    Mastrofonoss - DK
    Gr Blue - Temp
  • Anemonean
    Nuts, Deez
    Calling all thieves, check out my Lockbox maps: http://roguesfolio.tumblr.com

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  • Moonshadow66
    After the required XP per rank was reduced, it's now possible to reach VR16 during questing. One of my characters has made it during questing, another is about to, but the previous ones (before the XP change) had to freaking grind out the last rank. One is still not done with it because I got tired of that stupid grinding. She's standing in Belkarth and refines all incoming materials from my other characters and does 5/6 writs since Provisioning is still messed up. Yeah, really fun playing this character.
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Armenua
    Screw you, I'm taking my time.
    Played too many games with people that rushed to highest level and grinding until they had all the best gear, and then.... what? They got bored, nasty to others because of their boredom, etc etc etc.

    ESO is really a beautiful game. Game play is fun and easy, 3 different alliances to join and level characters in completely different areas, crafting skills, finding and completing all the delves and camps and skyshards and all of that; that is fun to me. I like PvP, it is almost always fun, especially since I don't think I've failed if I die. Getting to V16 is not my goal, but enjoying the game is

    Perhaps I feel this way because my original MMO that I played was Lineage II, where all you did to level was grind -- no quests, nothing, just had to kill monsters and more monsters and more monsters. A Korean gamer's dream! Now I take my time. Sitting around bored because you are in the top guild, have the top gear, have all the perks, have very little competition, well, that is just not fun.
  • DannyLV702
  • Bogdan_Kobzar
    post contents deleted
    Edited by Bogdan_Kobzar on November 10, 2015 2:31AM
    "Being honorable might make you a good man, but it doesn't make you right. Be a better world if it did."
    Be mindful of Community Rules
  • Anasatsudo
    I have a job, and I need to pay bills.
  • acw37162
    Three toons a VR9, VR8, and level 15.

    On my veteran characters until last night when I hit VR9 U don't even have access to the areas to harvest material to craft gear at my level.

    In truth I find so many things about this game frustrating that it is actually easier to put this game down then it is to pick it up.

    As an example, I bought a set of skirmishe gear because I could harvest materials to craft gear at my level to get me through that tier and the adjust stamina cost to scale if you dodge roll to close together. I'm fine with the dodge roll cost per say butvtgeyvdidbt think to fix skirmisher or way if the air along the way.

    That's just frustrating.
  • SpAEkus
    cuz..... LOOT....MUST....DECON.....MUST.....SELL....MUST....LOOT...MUST

  • Leggi
    4 of my toons are ready to reach V16 and 5th is coming.

    I don't want it happen.
    For now.
    I just play the game this way.
  • BabeestorGor
    I've only been playing since July, don't have much time to play the game, and don't want to rush the content.
    Deciding to play 7 characters from the beginning probably hasn't helped either.
    Babeester Gor is the Axe Goddess, the Implacable Anger, the Avenging Daughter and the Earth Guardian.
    Vriddi gra-Yildnarz, Dragonknight and Smith
    Myrvanwe, Sorcerer and Enchanter
    Tsajirra, Nightblade and Clothier
    Vilvyni Indarys, Dragonknight and Woodworker
    Arielle Alouette, Templar and Provisioner
    Fishes in Troubled Waters, Nightblade and Alchemist
    Shanika Some Long Title I'd Change If I Could, Templar and Aspirant Jeweller
    Pippi Longhorn, Nightblade, Ne'er-do-well, and "Tribute" character
    EU PC.
  • Necrelios
    This game makes we want to go play Skyrim, and then I do, which results in me getting distracted in the Creation Kit.... At this point all is pretty much lost as I become obsessed so I can't do anything else for at least several months. Then I hear about some ESO update and go "oh look, an update!"
    Edited by Necrelios on November 9, 2015 5:55PM
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  • SirAndy
    I got 8 characters to play ...
  • Tholian1
    But moooooom I don't want to grind.
    The only reason I am not VT16 yet is because of the ever growing wall of grind for gear taking my questing time away.
    PS4 Pro NA
  • Jitterbug
    But moooooom I don't want to grind.
    ...on my alt (or new main, whatever). I have a vr16, but that's not "me", you know...
  • runagate
    Been gone for 7 months. Completely by accident logged in on Patch Day for the Wrothgar DLC update. Startled to gain a VR by discovering something via exploration xp.

    What's changed? Loading screens take longer, NPCs' dialogue starts waaaay after their mouths start moving, disconcertingly. All my bizarre rare PvP gear is worthless. Nice new zone to explore, though. Haven't made it around to IC yet due to looking around for M'aiq in the orcy lands. Read a book called "Orcs and their Tusks." Nice story, but gives me bad memories of grinding Tuskers in Asheron's Call. Thrown Weapons FTW!
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