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Bag space and bank space (again?). New idea for the issue

Soul Shriven
Well, crafters have a lot of problems with bag and bank spaces on ESO. We have to create at least other 4 characters just to be our "mule" (and honestly, this is a waste.)

There is a simple solution, which can improve the crafting and the gameplay as well.

Introduce bags and crates to the game. Those boxes would use only 1 space but you could put your materials inside. It could be just for materials, it would help a lot. For example:

-Alchemy crate = This crate would use just 1 "space", but inside the crate you could put all 18 reagents and all the 7 solvents.
-Blacksmith storage crate = A box that uses 1 space with at least 16 slots inside that you can put all your ores and ingots... (the box could also have 50 or more slots, to put more than just 200 stacked ores/ingots)
-Style Materials box = A box with at least 14 slot to put all the style materials
-Woodworking storage crate = ''
-Clothing storage crate = ''
-Improvement storage crate = At least 16 slots to put all the improvement matrerials (Honing stones, Dwarven Oil, Hemming...)
-Provisioning storage crate = ''

And so on... There could be heavy armor crates, light, medium... Weapons cabinets, crates boxes and bags to organize and store everything we need

Those boxes could be crafted, bought ingame or by the crown store. But something like that NEED to be added on the game or all crafters will just go to another game. It's a HUGE waste, a beautiful and complex game like ESO, have nothing to organize the materials and itens that we need.

Please, do something like that
  • Galbsadi
    LOL, you think ZOS cares about crafters....I'm sure that's why the majority of the crafting nodes in new content are for the same materials we've been using for over a year now...
  • Kessra
    Some of the devs should have a look into Guild Wars 2 and how they manage crafting materials. It is in a further tab of your bank (similar to WoW; though each crafting material has its own slot and may hold up to a certain amount of the same type - guess 999 is the max currently). In GW2 you can also store the crafting materials into this crafting bank from anywhere in the world with a simple click on the gear-wheel on the top-right of your bag.

    I have a guild bank on my own (!) and it is full. Yep, all 500 slots ... and I started to store mats already on other accounts as well. But crafting currently just is a huge time- and storage sink. Either you need to log through an army of alts just to move items from one char to an other or you need to wait till you are able to either take items from the guild chest or store them into it. After like 15 items I am trying to put into the bank I often have to wait for a minute (often even longer) to be able to store further items - this is just annoying as hell and everything but fun!

    ZOS already mentioned that they might revamp the system in future - at least for ESO+ members. Though, I am a bit sceptical about it in regards to their recent changes and the bugs they've included with them.
  • Jayne_Doe
    I like the idea of crates, but it could potentially be more cumbersome to code so that you have access to those materials at crafting stations. Right now, it looks at your bank and personal inventory, but would presumably then also have to look in various crates as well (esp. if ore/cloth/wood are in separate crates, as well as the style mats and trait mats).

    I would rather we have a separate crafting inventory, but don't like the idea that it would be for ESO+ only. I am an ESO+ member, so I'd have access to it. But, what happens to that crafting inventory if you drop ESO+?

    I would like, at the very least, to have more bank slots - another 60 to get to 300 would be nice. However, I know that won't solve anything for those that have maxed out a personal guild bank.
  • Calidus1
    Life is a lot easier if you just store all equipment crafting materials on one character (your crafter) and all consumable mats (or things all characters need) in your bank. There is room for everything. I keep extra stacks of old materials in a "strategic reserve" mule, who has a full stack of every crafting item in the game save enchanting runes.
  • thechampxo
    I have no idea how you have problems with space, with 220 bank space in only using 160 of it. I only have one account I do wood metal cloth and enchanting and have more then enough room..
  • helediron
    One by one my mules have turned to vr16 fighters. I have one last mule, 240 bank space, and constant fighting with space. I do all the professions to all levels, and i have few guild banks to store intermediate level mats.

    Last two DLCs have added lots of new mats. The inventory space increase helped per character, but it didn't help when playing multiple toons. I think max shared space needs to be increased whatever means.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • shadowcoder
    I believe ZOS said they were working on some sort of crafting bags for eso+ members a few month ago on esolive. I wonder if they ever find their way into the game. Crafting bags would be awesome.
    EU Server DC PC | Azuras Star

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  • josh.lackey_ESO
    I agree with this. Inventory management sucks big time. But I will also say it gets better. On my crafter (who does all 6 crafts), I have 180 inventory slots. I have 200 in my bank. This is functional, and I am pretty comfortable with this many slots. I have a few alts I use just for inventory space, but they are mostly just holding random set gear (half of it is bound) because I'm a packrat. I could still upgrade my bank and inventory.

    If I didn't do any crafting, I can't even imagine how I'd use up all those spaces.

    The real kicker, though, is that I've spent about half a million gold upgrading my bank. I am not sure how much I spent on my characters. Probably half that much again. This is not a trivial amount of gold! On the flipside, while crafting isn't necessarily profitable on its own, it usually goes hand-in-hand with trading, which is extremely profitable.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Wow. I have a small army, have had since the game came out. I have a lot of everything and well over 600 slots. At this point Mr 200, my Argonian NB, has about 110 slots and is full of 200 stacks, of mostly food. When I have 3 of any 200 slack item, I sell one at my Guild Store. I get 1000g quite fast so it's probably a little cheap.

    I craft and the way I have it set up is pretty sweet and works well. A lot of housekeeping though I must admit.

    I could never understand buying a lot of Bank Space. You need enough for the things that are common across your group, style materials mainly, and to exchange things. The rest of your crafting material load should be on the crafter. With Horse bags you can easily have 150 spaces on a char for not much money.

    You have 8 chars you can use. Space is not really a problem, and my crew does 11 writs a day.
    Edited by poodlemasterb16_ESO on November 17, 2015 9:17PM
  • dss
    Why not borrow an idea from Skyrim and let us buy a house. Or even just a room above an Inn somewhere.

    Another way is allow a character to join a Blacksmith guild, for example, where they could have space allocated for all of the mats they need.
  • katamuro11b16_ESO
    I think they should just steal the GW2 idea, its ingenious and extremely useful, just make a separate mat bank space where the only things you can store is crafting mats. But hey considering how many useful things Zenimax let the addon builders do instead of bothering on their own I doubt they are planning to do anything like that.

    Also I think there is a reason behind their decision, part of the in-game economics are guild stores, not the usual auction house where you can just plop whatever for everyone to buy but specific guilds need to have actual stores for people from other guilds to buy them. So I think and this is only my thoughts without any evidence but my experience of other mmo's and me watching over ESO ever since the beta, I think that Zenimax or some part of the team working on it planned to have players to create specialised guilds, not just separate trading guilds but also crafting guilds so that for example all the armour crafters united into a guild and sold armour or mats for them, enchanter guilds, provisioner guilds etc.

    basically this way people uniting into a guiild with a goal to create a guild of alchemists with some or all of those people also having a second trading guild so they have twice the bank space, ability to sell things and pool all their crafting resources so that instead of each player hoarding, creating bag alts and generally continuously complain about storage space they would unite into guilds to craft and sell the stuff of their chosen profession(or two).

    However as we have seen its hard to do, very hard, for one you need to absolutely have trust between guild members and strict guidelines of who can craft how much and who can sell what otherwise some sneaky guy would just craft rare items, sell expensive stuff and then quit the guild.

    So my conclusion that while it could have been a worthwhile idea, a way to get people really to play and RP naturally without forcing themselves but as always it didn't work as they(supposedly) expected. And instead of a novel way to play and interact what we got was constant race against having too much. Plus the whole provisioning, half of my bag space on my char is provisioning stuff and I only craft for myself.
  • CosmicRunaway
    Soul Shriven
    When I started playing I was actually surprised that crafting materials took up bag space at all. I don't recall if I played a game recently that had a separate near-infinite bag for just mats, or if I was just still thinking in Fallout terms, and assumed these things would have zero weight.

    I really like the crate idea. The items you receive as a reward for the daily writs already come in crates that (I believe) only take up one bag space, so it's a concept that already exists within the game, and might not require too much work to implement.
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