Yeah, that'd be nice...Have you done the Eastmarch storyline yet? There's a part where you need to collect Vampire blood, but if you're a vampire, well...You could just use your own lol, it'd be nice to know if they allow that.
Totalitarian wrote: »In the main story:You: K, Meridia, let's go save Nirn. I'll do anything that's necessary.
Meridia: Hm, a vampire. Nope. I'll take the next vestige that comes around.
Needless to say, the Planemeld ended up coming full circle.
Hah, awkward. I love WW too, and was sad to see nothing like the Companions in the game. Would have been cool. But no, we're stuck people who despise and even diss us in front of our facesI am a werewolf and had to listen to a chick complaining about werewolves and then saying she was a part of a group that kills werewolves.. And I am just standing there like, okay.. And then I had to go kill werewolves and retrieve a banner under which she had sworn to kill... You guessed it, WEREWOLVES. How am I supposed to feel about this? I would like some acknowledgment, too :c
Man, you didn't need mods in Morrowind for that. If you were a Vampire in MW, you WERE a Vampire. Everyone would hiss at you and try to kill you on sight, and basically the only quests you could take were from Vampire covens.My main has been a vampire since Morrowind, level 1. I was able to mod those games to make sure he got those responses, or had strengths/weaknesses in all the right places. Some of the weaknesses and NPC hate were the more interesting parts of gameplay.
Hah, awkward. I love WW too, and was sad to see nothing like the Companions in the game. Would have been cool. But no, we're stuck people who despise and even diss us in front of our facesI am a werewolf and had to listen to a chick complaining about werewolves and then saying she was a part of a group that kills werewolves.. And I am just standing there like, okay.. And then I had to go kill werewolves and retrieve a banner under which she had sworn to kill... You guessed it, WEREWOLVES. How am I supposed to feel about this? I would like some acknowledgment, too :c
Man, you didn't need mods in Morrowind for that. If you were a Vampire in MW, you WERE a Vampire. Everyone would hiss at you and try to kill you on sight, and basically the only quests you could take were from Vampire covens.My main has been a vampire since Morrowind, level 1. I was able to mod those games to make sure he got those responses, or had strengths/weaknesses in all the right places. Some of the weaknesses and NPC hate were the more interesting parts of gameplay.
Same goes with the WW. If anyone saw you change, you'd be branded a monster and sought after by the guards. I can leisurely stroll through the marketplace shopping in Werewolf form if I wanted to in ESO.
Man, you didn't need mods in Morrowind for that. If you were a Vampire in MW, you WERE a Vampire. Everyone would hiss at you and try to kill you on sight, and basically the only quests you could take were from Vampire covens.My main has been a vampire since Morrowind, level 1. I was able to mod those games to make sure he got those responses, or had strengths/weaknesses in all the right places. Some of the weaknesses and NPC hate were the more interesting parts of gameplay.
Same goes with the WW. If anyone saw you change, you'd be branded a monster and sought after by the guards. I can leisurely stroll through the marketplace shopping in Werewolf form if I wanted to in ESO.
No, in Morrowind, I didn't need to mod that aspect, but I did use such classics as Vampire Embrace to make more!
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »@AlienSlof I think I saw that one once what was it called again something about having to use a masking spell? @Alucardo I agree they do need a bit more immersion than they have now I don't like seeing werewolves running around in town and guards saying "hail"to them instead of trying to kill them like they should. seriously though you should try the vampire mod triad for morrowind they can simulate the struggles really well for the games engine. not much for WW though the best one Ravenous Hunger was abandoned if I had resources for other werebeast meshes and textures I could most likely finish it though as the scripts are all there I tested them and they work.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »@AlienSlof I think I saw that one once what was it called again something about having to use a masking spell? @Alucardo I agree they do need a bit more immersion than they have now I don't like seeing werewolves running around in town and guards saying "hail"to them instead of trying to kill them like they should. seriously though you should try the vampire mod triad for morrowind they can simulate the struggles really well for the games engine. not much for WW though the best one Ravenous Hunger was abandoned if I had resources for other werebeast meshes and textures I could most likely finish it though as the scripts are all there I tested them and they work.
I think you're thinking of Vampiric Illusion which was one of a little suite of vampire mods I made which worked with what we called the 'Unholy Trinity' back in the Morrowind days! Between those, it made vampirism a much more involved playstyle, where you had to manage your condition. With that set-up running, you really felt like a vampire!
That's a little unfair to compare directly to single player ES games. I agree it would be nice, but I also have accepted in MMOs that the quest lines aren't necessarily part of my characters story for role playing purposes.
We can't all be the great hero after all, and we can't ALL do the same quests for the same people.