shelliebelly04 wrote: »I'm new to the forum, so I apologize in advance ... I would like to talk about how players are cheating in the alliance war.
I just witnessed an absolutely 100% do doubt case of someone doing so. ( IMO)
A player, I won't state their name because I know it's not allowed( however I do have it written down) , was playing with a character on the DC, took one of the scrolls and ran back towards EP territory and into one of the buildings( not a tower, just one of the random buildings) and waited until a large group of EP showed up, got killed and they took the scroll. The person was with a small group of DC as well.
So I'm wondering, is there any legitimate reason for them to be doing this( points wise or any other reason?)
Also, is there any disciplinary action that ZOS will take if they find that in their opinion it was cheating? I can't see them encouraging this type of play.
I am new to ESO, however I am a long time player of TES games ( have played since TES 3)
LegendaryChef wrote: »Nothing wrong with a bit of scroll farming!
I miss the days of the AP mountain beside chalman, you could sit up there all day slaughtering the idiots that used the door lol
LegendaryChef wrote: »Nothing wrong with a bit of scroll farming!
I miss the days of the AP mountain beside chalman, you could sit up there all day slaughtering the idiots that used the door lol
I remember those days zzorr ;_; the angry 30 man zergs that came for the scroll and got rofl wiped.
You think this is the worst?
Multifaction guilds often do little AP farms to get all their members up in Pvp ranks, by picking a resource and having everyone go there for a private boost to the participants. this tactic is also used to create their own personal guild emperor groups. Can you get 400k ap in one day? well using defensive ticks and whatnot people break the system all the time. ensuring no normal player can achieve it.
There are lots of exploits going on right now. point blank, as of 11/7/2015 the game is Broken.
Master_Kas wrote: »LegendaryChef wrote: »Nothing wrong with a bit of scroll farming!
I miss the days of the AP mountain beside chalman, you could sit up there all day slaughtering the idiots that used the door lol
I remember those days zzorr ;_; the angry 30 man zergs that came for the scroll and got rofl wiped.
Lord-Gibson wrote: »Cheating is when you have 5 people working together where one of them is from a separate faction. (I have heard this from many people but have yet to see it with me own eyes.) 3 people from other faction will strip down to just undies while 1 person from other faction kills them in a disclosed area of Cyrodiil. The fourth person from the 3 dead players will revive them and then the rinse repeat is started, thus in turn creates AP for the one player from said faction.
Lord-Gibson wrote: »Cheating is when you have 5 people working together where one of them is from a separate faction. (I have heard this from many people but have yet to see it with me own eyes.) 3 people from other faction will strip down to just undies while 1 person from other faction kills them in a disclosed area of Cyrodiil. The fourth person from the 3 dead players will revive them and then the rinse repeat is started, thus in turn creates AP for the one player from said faction.
Lord-Gibson wrote: »Cheating is when you have 5 people working together where one of them is from a separate faction. (I have heard this from many people but have yet to see it with me own eyes.) 3 people from other faction will strip down to just undies while 1 person from other faction kills them in a disclosed area of Cyrodiil. The fourth person from the 3 dead players will revive them and then the rinse repeat is started, thus in turn creates AP for the one player from said faction.
If you kill the same player over and over again he/she wont be worth a single alliance point. So that is a horrible way of farming ap
shelliebelly04 wrote: »I'm new to the forum, so I apologize in advance ... I would like to talk about how players are cheating in the alliance war.
I just witnessed an absolutely 100% do doubt case of someone doing so. ( IMO)
A player, I won't state their name because I know it's not allowed( however I do have it written down) , was playing with a character on the DC, took one of the scrolls and ran back towards EP territory and into one of the buildings( not a tower, just one of the random buildings) and waited until a large group of EP showed up, got killed and they took the scroll. The person was with a small group of DC as well.
So I'm wondering, is there any legitimate reason for them to be doing this( points wise or any other reason?)
Also, is there any disciplinary action that ZOS will take if they find that in their opinion it was cheating? I can't see them encouraging this type of play.
I am new to ESO, however I am a long time player of TES games ( have played since TES 3)