If you are in a pledge group, show some social skills... It's really a richard move to leave the party before everyone is out of the dungeon. For one thing, if you leave the group, no one can port to you (in my case...) in Elden Hollow to turn in the quest. No big deal, but it's like me holding the door for my girlfriend... I don't HAVE to do it... But it's a pretty richard move if I don't...
Also, pledges aren't speed runs... (Those are called "Trials...") Looting is still a thing, but if the group disbands... you get kicked out of the dungeon... Perhaps "Rushins" don't understand the meaning of the word, "Pledge..." When you join, you "pledge" to accomplish a task as a group of adventurers... so act like you want to be a true Undaunted...
Social skills could also be not wasting others' time by dawdling when everyone is just trying to get a gold key or some undaunted XP.
Also, if pledges (dungeons) aren't speed runs - why are there speed run achievements for them?
Just because you haven't found them, it doesn't mean they don't exist. There are speed run achivements for all veteran dungeons, the old ones need to be done in 20 minutes, coh, coa and wgt in 30 minutes and icp in 45 minuts.Social skills could also be not wasting others' time by dawdling when everyone is just trying to get a gold key or some undaunted XP.
Also, if pledges (dungeons) aren't speed runs - why are there speed run achievements for them?
I've never heard of achievements for speed in pledges... I think that's a figment of some "rushin's" imagination...
If you are in a pledge group, show some social skills... It's really a richard move to leave the party before everyone is out of the dungeon. For one thing, if you leave the group, no one can port to you (in my case...) in Elden Hollow to turn in the quest. No big deal, but it's like me holding the door for my girlfriend... I don't HAVE to do it... But it's a pretty richard move if I don't...
Also, pledges aren't speed runs... (Those are called "Trials...") Looting is still a thing, but if the group disbands... you get kicked out of the dungeon... Perhaps "Rushins" don't understand the meaning of the word, "Pledge..." When you join, you "pledge" to accomplish a task as a group of adventurers... so act like you want to be a true Undaunted...
Well people are tired of the same old crap all over so they just want to get that Helm/Key and do their own business. Nobody wants to sit in dungeon for 5 hours and teach people cmon, thats why you have guilds to learn there....
A V16 guy who was in gold pledge and he asked what is Fungal Grotto and how can he get there... OK
lolo_01b16_ESO wrote: »Just because you haven't found them, it doesn't mean they don't exist. There are speed run achivements for all veteran dungeons, the old ones need to be done in 20 minutes, coh, coa and wgt in 30 minutes and icp in 45 minuts.Social skills could also be not wasting others' time by dawdling when everyone is just trying to get a gold key or some undaunted XP.
Also, if pledges (dungeons) aren't speed runs - why are there speed run achievements for them?
I've never heard of achievements for speed in pledges... I think that's a figment of some "rushin's" imagination...
I've never heard of achievements for speed in pledges... I think that's a figment of some "rushin's" imagination...
Looking in every nook and cranny to get every provisioning ingredient from every barrel is certainly dawdling in the eyes of some. They may have other commitments, they may have run that dungeon a hundred times and just want to go on with their gaming day, they may dislike you personally and want to leave the instance asap - there are plenty of reasons to disband a group as soon as the last objective is completed, yes you dismiss them all as "richards" because they aren't doing what you want. How do you think you are seen by others in this scenario?Also, looting is not dawdling... I can see how "casual" gamers and button-smashers don't want to take advantage of ALL a dungeon offers...
Pro tip (I never said Pro at what... I COULD mean Professional game developer...)
Well people are tired of the same old crap all over so they just want to get that Helm/Key and do their own business. Nobody wants to sit in dungeon for 5 hours and teach people cmon, thats why you have guilds to learn there....
For the record, this isn't a "pro tip", it's a self serving request. A pro tip is typically a hint or valuable advice that will benefit the person you are extending the tip to, not a request for people to do things in a way that benefits you, despite possibly being contrary to what's best for them.
I've never heard of achievements for speed in pledges... I think that's a figment of some "rushin's" imagination...
There are speed achievements for all vet dungeons. WHAT DID I SAY? VET. DUNGEON ≠ PLEDGES... Also, I don't think you understand what an "Undaunted pledge" is. The fact that you would accuse someone of making this up further illustrates that you are self absorbed and trying to engineer others' behavior in a way that only benefits you, showing a complete lack of empathy or even acknowledging the validity of other points of view.Looking in every nook and cranny to get every provisioning ingredient from every barrel is certainly dawdling in the eyes of some. They may have other commitments, they may have run that dungeon a hundred times and just want to go on with their gaming day, they may dislike you personally and want to leave the instance asap - there are plenty of reasons to disband a group as soon as the last objective is completed, yes you dismiss them all as "richards" because they aren't doing what you want. How do you think you are seen by others in this scenario?Also, looting is not dawdling... I can see how "casual" gamers and button-smashers don't want to take advantage of ALL a dungeon offers...Pro tip (I never said Pro at what... I COULD mean Professional game developer...)
And since you are neither a pro game dev, nor giving tips to game devs, its still a pointless title and deserves to be mocked. That you would try to defend its use puts you in legion with the idiots in the corporate world that sling buzzwords around completely out of context, and feel proud of themselves for doing it, while oblivious to the eyerolls from all of their colleagues.
I never claimed any of that, you ASSume too much....Pro tip (I never said Pro at what... I COULD mean Professional game developer...)
Save yourself the annoyance and play with a premade guild group or friends. Most modern gamers are spoiled kids that their parents put on video games because it's cheaper than daycare, and they just want to rush through everything and fap their power points like gobbling candy-coated failure, then come on the forums and troll about it.
"Pro tip" - none of us are "pros" at this game - pro is short for professional, which means you get paid for doing a sport or game. No matter how good any of our number are, I don't believe that there are any arenas of competition for ESO where one could legitimately claim to play it as a 'pro' sport.