Should the fear effect be broken once you take xx damage?

Curious on everyone opinion
Edited by LoreRiley on November 6, 2015 12:58PM

Should the fear effect be broken once you take xx damage? 111 votes

PoxheartGilvothTheLawForestd16b14_ESOMJWesslingb14_ESOCinnamon_SpiderSpringt-Über-ZwergeLazyLewisAltaris16_ESO_ChaosDUTCH_REAPERklink012luishenrike1994eb17_ESOFlyzardiRunkorkovaagventje17eb17_ESOMrBeatDownIdinuseFrancescolgOrchish 59 votes
EzarethSythiasIllumousMoeCoastieSublimelolo_01b16_ESOcontact.opiumb16_ESOElara_NorthwindJitterbugAra_ValleriaAenlirKenaPKK_Proteus_McSwagginsaco5712RajajshkaninjaguymanFrozenAnimalCîanaiWolfchild07 52 votes
  • Spliffo
    Learn to CC break
  • LoreRiley
    Spliffo wrote: »
    Learn to CC break

    Im a nightblade and know how to CC break too bad it doesnt always work and fear sometimes ignore cc immunity
  • Asmael

    But CC immunity should be fixed...
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  • Kyrolith
    Why nerf it instead of fixing the root of the problem you are experiencing?
    Instead of specifically looking at fear, they need to fix CC immunity and the fact that you can't break out of some CC.
  • Angarato
    fix CC immunity. dont *** our abilities up because zos is incompetent. WB has the same problem. should knockdown break on damage too? how would that even make sense. just stfu
    Edited by Angarato on November 6, 2015 5:33PM
  • AfkNinja
    What's wrong with making it auto-break if you take 30% of your hp in damage? Ideally I would just want them to fix CC immunity but I don't see how this would be all that bad or unfair.
  • Angarato
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    What's wrong with making it auto-break if you take 30% of your hp in damage? Ideally I would just want them to fix CC immunity but I don't see how this would be all that bad or unfair.

    why not apply this on every CC then? why single out fear? when will you people stop crying
  • AfkNinja
    Angarato wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    What's wrong with making it auto-break if you take 30% of your hp in damage? Ideally I would just want them to fix CC immunity but I don't see how this would be all that bad or unfair.

    why not apply this on every CC then? why single out fear? when will you people stop crying

    Who's crying? No need to resort to insults here. I would be in favor of all CC breaking after the target has sustained 30% hp loss while under the effects of that CC. It seems fair to me.
  • Gunphu
    I break it instantly 99% of the time due to bash animation canceling. The only issue ive personally seen with it is a CC loophole of being rooted by talons or encase and being feared at the same time. You cant dodge roll or break CC.

    If its truly not working as intended and is unbreakable try submitting a ticket and ask for it to be fixed on the forums, not nerfed.
  • LoreRiley
    Angarato wrote: »
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    What's wrong with making it auto-break if you take 30% of your hp in damage? Ideally I would just want them to fix CC immunity but I don't see how this would be all that bad or unfair.

    why not apply this on every CC then? why single out fear? when will you people stop crying

    Im not crying I just want a fair game NB was my firat character and I know when something is broken. You might just be the guy who changes builds every patch bcuz its to tier
  • Xeven
    They just need to fix cc.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Spliffo wrote: »
    Learn to CC break

    Hmm doesn't help when CC is broken along with many other things and the fact lots of players (mainly NB) spam there CC stuff so much it drains your stamina from all the CC breaks and they continue to spam it.
  • LoreRiley
    Spliffo wrote: »
    Learn to CC break

    Hmm doesn't help when CC is broken along with many other things and the fact lots of players (mainly NB) spam there CC stuff so much it drains your stamina from all the CC breaks and they continue to spam it.

    Everyone just scared of balance dont worry they will just switch classes come next update like always
  • zornyan
    I agree, the reason being is you can block most CC, such as a wrecking blow coming your way, or a frags or javelin, yet you can't block mass hysteria.
  • Ezareth
    Enough with the nerf calls.

    Fear is powerful but fine. Every class should be different.
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  • LoreRiley
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Enough with the nerf calls.

    Fear is powerful but fine. Every class should be different.
    Fear is broken its the only unblockable CC besides WW and it makes you run far away while taking massive damage. Also did I mention it affects more than one person?

  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Enough with the nerf calls.

    Fear is powerful but fine. Every class should be different.

    So NB should be the only ones with a extreamly powerful CC and DKs and temp should always be thrown under the bus ?
  • KozawahGaming
    All CC's should. But if they just fix the unbreakable CC glitch/bug, it might be okay as it is. But I personally think all CC breaks should have a reduced cost, especially since every build has some sort of CC.
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  • Aunatar
    What I don't understand about fear is not that it can CC you through block.. it's the fact it doesn't break on damage like petrify/rune cage, applies Minor Maim, snares, triggers armor buff, hits 3 people...
    V16 Sorcerer - Aunatar
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  • Master_Kas
    LoreRiley wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Enough with the nerf calls.

    Fear is powerful but fine. Every class should be different.
    Fear is broken its the only unblockable CC besides WW and it makes you run far away while taking massive damage. Also did I mention it affects more than one person?

    Both rune prison (sorc skill) , petrify (dk skill), and blazing spear (templar skill) are all CC that go through block.

    Fear doesn't break on damage, but petrify also got a annoying component: you have to break free then roll the root.

    I don't want either of those skills nerfed.

    Buff dks/temps to be on pair with nb / sorc instead imo =)
    EU | PC
  • LoreRiley
    Master_Kas wrote: »
    LoreRiley wrote: »
    Ezareth wrote: »
    Enough with the nerf calls.

    Fear is powerful but fine. Every class should be different.
    Fear is broken its the only unblockable CC besides WW and it makes you run far away while taking massive damage. Also did I mention it affects more than one person?

    Both rune prison (sorc skill) , petrify (dk skill), and blazing spear (templar skill) are all CC that go through block.

    Fear doesn't break on damage, but petrify also got a annoying component: you have to break free then roll the root.

    I don't want either of those skills nerfed.

    Buff dks/temps to be on pair with nb / sorc instead imo =)

    Petrify breaks after a single attack and roots arent a prob if you have a gap closer. If they want it to be a par the have to make the activation of petrify stagger everyone or make it stun everyone. That would be cool
  • Alucardo
    Asmael wrote: »

    But CC immunity should be fixed...

    Also if I could break out of fear every time it wouldn't be a problem. Sometimes it gets stuck.
  • Cody
    Until the CC system gets fixed
  • Flyzardi
    The fear duration reduction champion point would accomplish something similar to this 'break on dmg' in theory but the reality is with all 100 points into that tree you'll still die before being able to react because the fear duration being reduced is so short >.<

    "fear kills, much to my amusement"

    but really, I've never been a fan of fear in this game. Other cc can be prevented and countered multiple times in a row but fear seems the buggiest of them all. I've died to fear with full resource pools tons of times before just because the fear wouldn't break.

    I've also been saved by fears though lol I've been feared around counters, out of LOS, and away from a swarm of enemies when I was low on hp and about to die

    It's a troll skill and the people using it usually use it as a primary go to skill without considering why they're fearing a target when it should be used situationally
    Edited by Flyzardi on November 8, 2015 4:27AM
  • tennant94
    No. I think the duration should be shorter.
  • Angarato
    so first they complain about cloak, then suprise attack and now mass hysteria. yeah its strong and it goes through block boo freaking hoo. just fix the cc breakout(which is the real issue) and l2p.
  • LoreRiley
    Angarato wrote: »
    so first they complain about cloak, then suprise attack and now mass hysteria. yeah its strong and it goes through block boo freaking hoo. just fix the cc breakout(which is the real issue) and l2p.

    You L2P without needing broken skills. I bet you spam WB aswell. I wouldnt want to fix my main class for no reason. Im also gonna assume you're a FOTM player
  • McSwaggins
    As said many times before, the problem isn't fear, it's all CC in general that is buggy. People break my fears all the time, and I break theirs all the time too. Every now and then I won't be able to CC break but that is just with all CC's, I have not been able to break WB, fear, reverberating bash and basically every other CC in the game. But being a NB myself, I will admit that fear is a bit OP. I think if they reduced the time the player is fear'd and fix CC, all will be well.
  • LoreRiley
    McSwaggins wrote: »
    As said many times before, the problem isn't fear, it's all CC in general that is buggy. People break my fears all the time, and I break theirs all the time too. Every now and then I won't be able to CC break but that is just with all CC's, I have not been able to break WB, fear, reverberating bash and basically every other CC in the game. But being a NB myself, I will admit that fear is a bit OP. I think if they reduced the time the player is fear'd and fix CC, all will be well.

    Yea im a NB too and IK when things need fixed all these FOTM hate change. They should def reduce to cost or make it break after a certain damage like petrify. Maybe even make it a cast for a single player instead of an AOE
  • Angarato
    LoreRiley wrote: »
    Angarato wrote: »
    so first they complain about cloak, then suprise attack and now mass hysteria. yeah its strong and it goes through block boo freaking hoo. just fix the cc breakout(which is the real issue) and l2p.

    You L2P without needing broken skills. I bet you spam WB aswell. I wouldnt want to fix my main class for no reason. Im also gonna assume you're a FOTM player

    sorry to dissapoint. choose nb while downloading the game been nb from the start and even my alts are nbs. i dont use wb.

    fix the problem don't nerf the result of the problem.
    Edited by Angarato on November 9, 2015 7:09PM
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