It definitely takes finese to be a melee light armor build. My magicka nightblade is more ranged and uses a destro/resto set up. My swallow soul hits like a truck so as far as melee, I usually go for a hit and run tactic when using concealed weapon. Having a shield like healing ward along side a hot should help a bit with the squishyness. It's bad enough wearing leather and being in the fray lol. I've seen some decent 1h/sh magicka builds but the dps monsters I've run across usually go DW or 2h for the increased spell power.
Either go ranged with Siphoning or close with Shadow or a mix of both. You need that self healing going. Get Ward from resto, stuff like that
I would suggest dumping the 2H for a destro staff.
Either go ranged with Siphoning or close with Shadow or a mix of both. You need that self healing going. Get Ward from resto, stuff like that
Tannakaobi wrote: »I found Agony really useful while levelling and went pretty much:
Agony, change target - Lotus fan - cloak - Concealed Weapon - heavy attack - Impale to finish - then from cloak onwards on the next target, throwing in the odd cloak as needed.
I'd usually also have rapid regen up too from my other bar. I used dual wield on my weapons bar, but none of the skills.
Mhylton44142 wrote: »The reason for the 2H is to increase spell damage and to knock people off of me with WB if I get swarmed and the 2H passive forceful to hit others along side. The WB gives me time to back off and attack from range
Mhylton44142 wrote: »The reason for the 2H is to increase spell damage and to knock people off of me with WB if I get swarmed and the 2H passive forceful to hit others along side. The WB gives me time to back off and attack from range