I too would like to know this, as well as if the NPC Werewolves still spawn and what the spawn timer is for them. I've been playing for a few months now and have never seen Werewolves spawn in the Rift, Bankorai or Reapers March and I am actively seeking them. Is the Destinations Addon broken or do Werewolves just not spawn any more. I'm not looking for a bite from a player, I want to get one from the NPCs.
Voltvector wrote: »If I use expert/evil hunter before I transform to werewolf, and kill a a daedra/undead before the buff runs out, will it refresh the buff? Could I keep the buff going for a while doing this?
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Its fun to farm as a werewolf. I think maxed out the morphs on one character in an afternoon in this way. Hircines Bounty, the knockdown howl and claws of life are your friend. Well I liked those anyway. Werewolf is particularly fun on a (stamina) damage dealer build.
This is still pretty much on the mark and gives the locutions, they sometimes they have been known to spawn not on the full moon.
Your basically going to end up camping, and of-course other players can bite you.
I had heard that they sometimes spawn when It's not a full moon, so lately I've been going to the Rift ever time its night. Didn't camp though. Just ran to every spawn point on the destinations addon. Day cycles are so long compared to night cycles and most of the time I'm not online during night cycles...
Does the spawns change for Vet levels? I'm VR12 now, should be going to Reapers March instead of the Rift?
And thanks for the reply, btw.
@Prothwata Thanks for the information.-You gain roughly 10k armor and spell resistance while in form.
-Weapon Passives do not carry over to werewolf form
-You do have the ability to roll dodge (looks like scuttling)
-Only class passives that don't require you to slot and ability carry over
-Buffs cast before transformation carry over for the remaining duration of said buff (rally, molten weapons, immovable)
- Toggle skills do not carry over
- Armor passives carry over
-Heavy attack cone is rough 5m
- Fear is interuptable but not if you are cc immune
- Werewolf Fear has a one second cast time (channeled abilities like werewolf fear don't set off GCD)
- NPC Werewolves Spawn on nights with full moons
- You only take extra damage from fighters guild/poison while in werewolf form
- You only get the 15% stam regen with werewolf ultimate slotted
- You gain roughly 18% stamina when transforming
- Werewolves have some of the most expensive abilities in the game
Any other questions just ask!
@Prothwata Thanks for the information.
More questions:
Does the weapon damage depends on your weapon with which you transform?
Can light attacks proc weapon enchantment?
Is the bleeding DoT every second or it is every 2 seconds?
LBxFinalDeath wrote: »Werewolf is as earlier posts said pretty much an all around buff.
Its main weakness is camo hunter, if you go werewolf and DON'T near instakill your opponent they can cast camo hunter and 30K you pretty easily.
I personally use WW as a "Haha, you thought you could gank me." move.
Its my "main" ultimate despite not being on my main bar, flawless dawnbreaker is too useful for the extra dmg.