Indeed, nothing is filling the death log of my Templar more than this.DannyLV702 wrote: »Spammable insta surprise attack hits as hard as frags, without the cast time
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, nothing is filling the death log of my Templar more than this.DannyLV702 wrote: »Spammable insta surprise attack hits as hard as frags, without the cast time
But with the majority of NB players in this forum, certainly Sorcs are voted on top...
DannyLV702 wrote: »And you gotta remember that a NB is designed to kill its target as quick as possible. If you get ambushed by a NB, it's probably game over. You get ambushed by a sorc and you still got time to think
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Bump for moar votes.
And yes, this is mainly from a pve perspective.. If you vote for pvp please comment and say so
Springt-Über-Zwerge wrote: »
Same spot where the facepalm button is.
Springt-Über-Zwerge wrote: »Springt-Über-Zwerge wrote: »
Same spot where the facepalm button is.
srsly why do you think the class with lowest dps is the best? I dont get it
BalticBlues wrote: »Indeed, nothing is filling the death log of my Templar more than this.DannyLV702 wrote: »Spammable insta surprise attack hits as hard as frags, without the cast time
But with the majority of NB players in this forum, certainly Sorcs are voted on top...
And please, state why.
And please, state why.
Is this in regards to PvE or PvP because they both very on which classes are top. Prior to Orsinium dropping magicka DK was top PvE dps according to several PvE guilds but in PvP since you aren't relying on dps alone they would end up dying quickly. Stamina Nightblade/Templar another high choice PvE regards and both decent at PvP. PvE-wise magicka Sorc isn't what it used to be. It can still be viable however you most likely wont be top dps in the group if others know what they're doing.