Scyantific wrote: »If you're willing to sacrifice one Ult slot for the stam regen from WW, I'd say WW is probably the less punishing of the two overall.
Though if you're a magic class like Templar or NB, I would definitely recommend Vampirism mainly because their ult deals magic damage which is on par with most of their abilities so it would benefit from being boosted by the same Champion passive that boosts your magic damage skills. I swapped my sorc to vamp from WW and it's worked out fantastically for me, Devouring Swarm lets me rush into a pack of mobs, drop ult, and clear the group without worrying about getting poked to death.
GuyNamedSean wrote: »
GuyNamedSean wrote: »
The other passives are only fillers which I don't even countregeneration is the most important passive. Speaking as somebody who has both a werewolf and a vampire.