DannyLV702 wrote: »Can't go wrong with sorcerer. Our shields are beast as hell in PVE
Best PVE tank? Straight HP stacked sorc by far....like, worlds ahead of everything else.
Seriously tho, roll whatever floats your boat, everyone can get the job done.
dancing.in.the.webeb17_ESO wrote: »DK = best CC tank (avarage group support)
NB = best DPS+healing tank, bad CC (good group support)
Tamplar = best heal survival tank bad CC (good group support)
Sorc = avarage CC, best shields survival tank (low group support)
1h&Shield + restoamantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »
When you put it that way it seems like NB would be more my style atm. I always favored the DK/SK type classes in MMOs and if it plays at all like that I may enjoy it.
Do weapon choices matter for solo/tank or can it perform the same with any weapons?
Best class for pve? Magicka sorc is the easiest, insane dps with overload and can ignore mechanics with shields.
But for tanking the best class by far is DK. Landslide victory. Next best is templar, then Nb then sorc in last.
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »
Do you think the NB idea mentioned earlier would work fine for both tanking/solo?
yes. NB is awesome, strong and fun
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »I am trying to get back into the game and am looking for opinions on what the current fotm type class is for PVE. Tanking is what I enjoy the most so hopefully I can do that with said class.
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »
Care to point me to any guides for them online? Can't seem to find any that are updated.
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »I am trying to get back into the game and am looking for opinions on what the current fotm type class is for PVE. Tanking is what I enjoy the most so hopefully I can do that with said class.
a.skelton92 wrote: »
For as long as you choose based on fotm you will always be doomed to constantly re-roll. Biggest waste of time. They are fot MONTH for a reason. Not flavour of the year or decade. Time you reach v16 there will be a new fotm. As someone said previously any class can tank so pick whichever YOU like and wont quit after a month.
a.skelton92 wrote: »
For as long as you choose based on fotm you will always be doomed to constantly re-roll. Biggest waste of time. They are fot MONTH for a reason. Not flavour of the year or decade. Time you reach v16 there will be a new fotm. As someone said previously any class can tank so pick whichever YOU like and wont quit after a month.