I'm a lv25 DK in Ep faction.
Yesterday I entered shadowfen area Sanguine's Demense dungeon.
This place is a really challenge, almost every group mob has more than five enemy with pretty high damage mage and knight.
This is also the first dungeon I can't solo through.
Here's my setup.
5HP, the rest go to stamina.
5 medium armor 2 heavy armor
Bar 1 2H
Bar2 bow
Currently I have 3 AOE skills
Arrow barrage from bow skill
Burning breath from ardent fire skill
Silver shard from fighter's guild skill
This is the first time I try to solo against large group enemy, and I think I'm doing pretty lame.
Here's what I do.
Pop obsidian shield, harden armor before fight.
Sneak shoot charged attack plus a poison arrow at random enemy.
Arrow barrage in the middle of enemy
burning breath
use dragon blood(by this time I may have only 50% HP left)
spam silver shard
spam arrow barrage and burning breath again to refresh dot time
finish the remaining enemy with wrecking blow
70% of time I can clear a group, but I died more than 5 times trying to finish the quest and get skyshard in the dungeon.
Am I doing this right? or there are better methods to do AOE as DK?
Maybe I should change bow to dual wield?
My bar 2 is used to slot buff skill, so main weapon doesn't use much