As Title states - please get the launcher fixed. Down to I assume the last file to be downloaded (600mb) and near the last few MB of patch verification it fails and states repair is necessary. After scanning multiple files and another 2-300MB downloads, there is now a 6.6GB download - bigger than the dang DLC/Patch itself when the game itself worked the previous evening.
On a whim I shut down the launcher and ran it again - all of a sudden the game was playable and was able to log in. This is certainly not the first time this happened and would certainly have expected it to be fixed long before now.
Another suggestion: Why do we have to constantly redownload the launcher advertisements each time it's ran? Why can't it simply save the ads and do a check for updates - if none (a simple and minimal download check) it uses the previously downloaded ones.
Aaelefein, a Veteran Templar of the 14th Level seeking to complete his Master Crafter Certification but still needs to finish exploring Craglorn in order to acquire all the knowledge pertaining to the Nirnhoned Trait.