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True An-Xileel(all Saxhleel unite) ps4

A guild for only Saxhleel(argonians). We have a common interest in representing and developing our marsh sisters and brothers. We are focused on promoting our agreeable heritage, and reminding others that may have lost their connection to the Hist.
All Saxhleel are welcome to join, yet only Saxhleel will be involved in guild activities. My word is bond and I live by laws I set. All Marsh-Wardens will be honorable in terms of An-Xileel Saxhleel only protocol. Further protocol will be formulated by us and shared accordingly + Respectfully.

Responsibility Tree:

Pakseech - One with the sole focus of the Unions Benefit. One whos' goal ist he prosperity of the whole.

Raj - Each represents an important field of Union activity. The council that leads in absence of Pakseech.

Deelith - More so Ethereal Leader. More so PvE/Dungeon, Equipment and Consumable Crafting.

Shellback - More so a Physical Leader. More so PvP/Dungeon, Equipment + Consumable finding.

Shadowscale - A covert role known to Shellback, Deelith, Raj, and Pakseech.

Tree-Minder (Thtithik) - Responsible Resource caretakers. Merchants that manage the trade, time and materials among An-Xileel.

Saxhleel - People of the Root. Self aware and actively represent us. They do so by their appearance, their name, their subtle contributions, their overt social interactions, and other ways. Essentially presenting Will towards the development of Saxhleel and An-Xileel.

Lukiul - Those Saxhleel, that relate more with the cultures of men and mer than that of their biological kin.

Thtachalxan - Those that work for and with us An-Xileel yet are not biologically Saxhleel.

We shall grow to envelope Tamriel as a strong self governing body. Some of us may happen to do so discreetly, as we naturally blend in with the nature around us and some prefer covert to overt. Regardless, our roots will ground and connect those of us with the common focus of growth and development for our "people of the root."
We shall include pro-Saxhleel from PC, Xbox1, PS4, NA and EU servers. We are nurturing these connections and we shall grow stable. Our website, truean-xileel.guildlaunch.com is the source root.
If you identify a role you will fulfill, know someone that will or are interested in inquiring more, Do. We are survivors that are the original inhabitants of Tamriel. Now we unite to thrive.
Stay Moist Marsh Kin

ESO An-Xileel is our Community group http://an-xileel.shivtr.com is our PC predecessor
http://eso.guildex.org/view-guild/15595 + 15646
Edited by ankhor8 on April 13, 2018 10:43PM
Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
Psn community page: An-Xileel
Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    Edited by ankhor8 on December 1, 2015 9:43PM
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    Edited by ankhor8 on December 1, 2015 9:44PM
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    Edited by ankhor8 on November 11, 2015 8:41PM
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    In addition, we shall make connections with An-Xileel in other worlds(platforms). With the progressive intent to connect us like roots of the Hist we are from. I am a member of the PC based An-Xileel on shitvr, found while seeking for a currently formed An-Xileel. Since one was not found in this world, i connected with others that did elsewhere, learned from and have initiated here.
    Fellow leaders are needed to fulfill other facets of Union development that interest me little. I am for us, yet i am aware we must all apply our strengths.
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    Edited by ankhor8 on December 5, 2015 12:13PM
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    What is your guild’s name? Does that name have a special history of significance?
    True An-Xileel(NA)/An-Xileel(EU). Yes, it's the name of the Saxhleel group that formed and was responsible for defeating Mehrunes Dagon when he/she foolishly attacked our native Black Marsh. True was placed in front of our NA division since An-Xileel was assumed by someone(who was dormant/inactive).

    When was your guild formed? Tell us the story of how the guild came to be.
    October 2015. Kota-Sax-Blood sought out a guild named An-Xileel, anticipating one must already exist. It was found on shivtr website. Kota-Sax-Blood sought membership and was eventually accepted. Then realized all the members were only in the PC universe. Kota-Sax-Blood petitioned the idea of initiating a Console branch with Marsh Shadow and Varak Drex. The idea was respected, Kota-Sax-Blood the formation.

    What alliance has your guild sworn fealty to?
    The Ebonheart Pact.

    Why did you choose that alliance?
    It is the alliance collectively agreed to by our Saxhleel people. As a Union specifically composed of Saxhleel, the decision is clear.
    How many members does your guild currently have?
    As of December 15, 2015. EU Branch = 3. NA Branch approx 112.

    Does your guild have a website?
    Yes. TrueAn-Xileel.guildlaunch.com
    What times and days is the guild most active?
    True An-Xileel(NA) = 06:00 - 02:00 (20hrs of active members) (E.S.T.). An-Xileel(EU) = 14:00 - 18:00 (P.S.T.) general averages of course.
    What countries do your members span?
    East and west coast of Canada+America. Asia in the GST region.
    What activities in ESO do your members enjoy doing together most?
    Questing to level up, Cyrodiil battling(pvp), and crafting for each other. We have a weekly schedule to provide options for those seeking specifics
    What does your guild focus on in-game? Do your members prefer delving dungeons together, fighting for keeps in Cyrodiil, role-playing in the taverns, crafting and trading, or a combination?
    Either the daily activity or individual small group preferences. We are large, will be larger and have prepared for such with an outline intended to provide for our various Saxhleels' interest. We will have three Nassa(leaders) for Cyrodiil battling, three for resource management, two for role-play and three for all type of provincial raids. Presently we have 1 resource manager, 1 Cyrodiil general, 1 role-play coordinator and and a few interested, developing towards leadership roles.
    What makes your guild unique?
    We are all Saxhleel. Although some may use alternate avatars for the whatever reason, only Saxhleel are involved in Union activities. We all have an affinity to Saxhleel. Whether it be the mechanics, the cosmetics, the Hist-ory(lore), habit(meaning one that chose Saxhleel in prior elder scrolls editions), or they liked the our community, all present have chosen to represent.
    Is your guild part of a larger alliance of guilds? Why did you join them?
    Yes. The PC based An-Xileel‎ preceded us. Our intent is Saxhleel Unity, joining is purposeful.
    Does your guild ever host special events? If so, tell us about them!
    If the weekly schedule is considered special than yes, if not, no. We will set a periodic Union photo schedule on the 18th of December.
    What is your favorite or most memorable moment as a guild so far in ESO?
    There are multiple. The first meets with the few Saxhleel that are now in leadership positions. Yet like our Raj remind us, time is more cyclical than linear. Will state that encounters with fellow leaders are memorable. In addition, I erect the spine of respect + appreciation to our followers, we need each other to coexist.

    Does your guild secretly (or not so secretly) follow a specific Daedric Prince? If so, which one?
    No. We are children of the first form. Direct offshoots of Hist. We acknowledge Sithis as a name to represent that which was before(ALL), yet it is not a Deadric prince nor is it specifically followed. Some of us do walk the path of Shadowscales and follow the night mothers decree. It is said that the night mother May be Mephala. Yet that is another discussion.
    After a long day of adventuring, where does your guild enjoy gathering to wind down?
    We may convene around Hissmir, Dhalmora crafting hut, or Stormhold.
    Tell us five fun facts about your guild.
    • 1. We have become increasingly more organized over the past two months and anticipate more improvement.
    • 2. We are comprised of people that have been influential in different guilds, almost as if a safe haven for the wise, compassionate, fierce, silent, loyal, vagabond, goal driven, entertainer, grinder and the bystander(a perspective from the various stories have been told).
    • 3‎. Monday: merchant and crafters day. Tuesday: Delves and Dungeons day. Wednesday: shyshard, map boss, and lorebooks day. Thursday: IC role-play day. Friday: open field Cyrodiil battle day. Saturday: Majority vote day. Sunday: Imperial City battle day.
    • 4. We have young children and old seniors, very talkative and mostly silent. We've allocated the four channels for purposes to customize our encompassing culture.
    • 5. We are comprised of many responsible conscious individuals, and engaging in dialogue with them while having company at my living room, has altered people's perspective of what "video gamers" are like. Of course there are times for laughter and some others in our Union engage in elaborate comedy more than me personally, yet we vary like the branches of the Hist, and will remain acknowledging we are connected at the Root.
    If people are interested in joining your guild, who should they contact?
    Our website primarily, PSN: MSFASIM, YangKao, xxtitanwarlockxx, vile_crocodile, xanders_yaya. True An-Xileel is on Teso.com‎, tamrielfoundry.com, eso.guildex.com, reddit and elderscrollsonline forums. Also check out our PC branch on shivtr.
    To all our Argonian scale skins, re-hatch into your true Saxhleel self. May the sun warm your scales and stay moist.‎
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • Cucarachon
    My Egg-brothers! My scales are ready to join my kin in the hist. I, Hide-my-Scales pledge my Shadowscale training for the benefit of my tribe. Hail Sithis!

    Add me to PSN: Giroscopic1
  • ankhor8
    I am taking a trip across the Eltheric ocean, returning on Sundas. Anticipate an invite Morndas. explore www.truean-xileel.guildlaunch.com for info on our responsibility tree progression path, pricing guide and tentative daily activity schedule.
    Stay Moist + Seth Salute
    Edited by ankhor8 on May 4, 2016 8:19PM
    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
  • ankhor8
    Current Ranking titles:


    Kota-Sax-Blood of True An-Xileel
    Psn community page: An-Xileel
    Seth Salute
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