Looking for EP guild PC for two.

Soul Shriven
Me and the my lady have been playing ESO since release. We both have vet 16 characters but have mostly duo'd and pvped our way through Tamriel. Although zeni has made some changes that I'm not crazy about, I do think it is the best mmo on the market now.

I realize though that I have been missing out on what makes mmos fun, and that is the fellowship an awesome guild brings to the table. I have been playing mmos since I was in high school with EQ and plenty since then. What makes them fun for me has always been the people I play with. We have made friends in ESO but haven't found a steady group to play with.

I know we both have a lot to learn about ESO and just looking for a casual pvp/pve guild that DOESN'T mass recruit and is looking for personalities as much as gear scores. I am in my early thirties so would love to find a more mature guild and playing with my girlfriend of almost four years we have heard some pretty creepy dudes on TS and would like to avoid guilds containing that type. Would love to be apart of some weekly events with pvp and learn the ropes to some of the harder content pve has to offer. Tired of PUG for dailies and loosing my stones in the sewers, if your guild can help, let me know.

I will be on a lot this weekend so either message me in game @agrier712 or leave a response.

I have a vet 16 sorc and vet 15 DK. The GF has a vet 16 NB and a lower vet templar.

Just realized my title sounds like I am trying to book reservations, /sigh.
  • birch44
    Dark Side of the Pact is mainly PVE but I'm sure you would fit well. We have a varying array of personalities. Hit me up in game and we can chat.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • kronicus
    Soul Shriven
    Think I must of missed you today but look forward to more information, thanks for the response.
  • VirtualElizabeth
    Check out Gaisioch:


    Lots of great folks in this guild and we don't mass recruit. Thanks!
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • Llilium
    me and my buddy are healer/ tank and doing the exact same thing as you and your lady are doing. we've been playing for months and have been wanting to start working out the bugs and begin recruiting for our guild Caelum.

    Kronicus, if you would be so interested, i think we could turn your normal 2 person adventures into a regular 4-person adventure, as we plan on keeping the guild closely knit as possible in terms of finding great new friends .

    we tend to wear guild colors of gold and blue to look outfitted, and we have a rather beautiful tabard that goes well with it as all. we do pve too sometimes, but our bread and butter is having fun out in cyrodil.

    I generally enjoy tanking most often, and he heals. i have a couple other friends in the guild that log in once in a while but not often enough.

    we're hoping to recruit and change that and have more activity, but keep it clean and manageable.

    let me know if this sound like its what you're interested, it would be great to have you!
  • kronicus
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you all so much for the response, already have begun meeting new guilds and people. Would like to have some runs with gaisioch as well as caelum so friend me so we can set up some times to chat or run some content. My name is @agrier712, @Elizabethinaustin are you folks more pvp or pve focused?
  • Scyantific
    kronicus wrote: »
    Me and the my lady have been playing ESO since release. We both have vet 16 characters but have mostly duo'd and pvped our way through Tamriel. Although zeni has made some changes that I'm not crazy about, I do think it is the best mmo on the market now.

    I realize though that I have been missing out on what makes mmos fun, and that is the fellowship an awesome guild brings to the table. I have been playing mmos since I was in high school with EQ and plenty since then. What makes them fun for me has always been the people I play with. We have made friends in ESO but haven't found a steady group to play with.

    I know we both have a lot to learn about ESO and just looking for a casual pvp/pve guild that DOESN'T mass recruit and is looking for personalities as much as gear scores. I am in my early thirties so would love to find a more mature guild and playing with my girlfriend of almost four years we have heard some pretty creepy dudes on TS and would like to avoid guilds containing that type. Would love to be apart of some weekly events with pvp and learn the ropes to some of the harder content pve has to offer. Tired of PUG for dailies and loosing my stones in the sewers, if your guild can help, let me know.

    I will be on a lot this weekend so either message me in game @agrier712 or leave a response.

    I have a vet 16 sorc and vet 15 DK. The GF has a vet 16 NB and a lower vet templar.

    Just realized my title sounds like I am trying to book reservations, /sigh.

    I'll give you a shout ingame tonight.

    Feel free to add me, name's in sig.
  • kronicus
    Soul Shriven
    Shameless bump on an old topic. Same Request, Just getting back into eso and looking for a community to play with. If you have a spot message me in game @agrier712
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