[REQUEST] Account wide achievement tracking add-on

So we all know that the achievements in the achievementtab are only character wide, and I understand that there are many people who want to keep it so. But I for one would like to see all the achievements of all my characters together and see which one I'm missing. So would it be possible to make an add-on that opens a new achievement tab with the achievements of all my characters together? I don't have much knowledge about programming etc but if it is possible, and someone wants to make this, I will be willing to help in some possible way.

Thank you all!
- Sezetcik
  • Ayantir
    What the purpose of this except add more "not so useful" infos on your screen ?
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  • Sezetcik
    I just want to know which achievements I didn't complete over all my characters to get the achievement hunt on
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