Hey guys,
first: im not a nativer speaker, so im sorry if there are some grammar issues.
I have some question regarding overload (sorcerer ultimate), i hope some1 can help me out:
1. Does "Bound Armor" (11% more heavy attack damage) affect the heavy attacks of overload?
2. Are the heavy attacks of overload any worth? i hear all the time of 10-15k light attack overload, but if u are in range they are flying around like forever and can be easiyly reflected dodged. Furthermore i find it somehow clunky to light attack with overload, so i would like to focus more on the heavy attack aspect ( ive heard that heavy attacks doing every 0,5 sec dmg, is that true?)
3. If im using for example a 2-hand-mace and have champion points in "increasing heavy/light attacks with 2-hand-mace", does that affect overload if im starting it while on my 2-hand-mace bar?
4. Can the heavy attacks from overload crit and heal yourself with critical surge? (I know the light attacks can crit!)
Thank you guys, i hope you can help me out, i would really appreciate it !
The reason is im on PS4 EU, so i have no chance to test anything with damage numbers et.!