not sure i chose wisely

Soul Shriven
I made a dark elf like i always have in elder scrolls games. (Just my preference, no real reasoning)
Wasnt sure where to go from there though, im level 48 now and dont feel like starting over so hope i didnt mess up too badly woih my choices.

So like i said above im a dark elf, i chose dragonknight kinda wish i had of looked into this bit as im not sure id have chosen DK had i looked, and now i am a vampire.
I play dual wield and was using destruction staff as my backup.
Just today i thought maybe i should spec into restoration staff just so i have a bit of extra healing, So im starting that now.
Also im leveling vamp abilities atm.

I get that its mostly personal preference and that tbere are a lot of ways to make use of what you chose but im unsure atm about how i should best make use of my choices.

I havnt tried pvp yet but was thinking i would when im done/bored with the main quest.
  • Nirnrot
    Look up DK Magicka builds on google or youtube and go from there. Destro/Resto is a great combo for damage and sustain as you can easily replenish life and magicka. Dark Elf passive of 7% dmg on flame effects is pretty awesome as a DK with a fire staff. Vampirism is not necessary but if you want to go that route, their Ultimate is awesome, the passives are great, and you get an extra way to gain health if you need it. Thats said....

    You did not choose wisely. You chose based on your previous elder scrolls experience instead of doing research. But...your choice is a pretty good one. Wise choices are well thought out, you got lucky and chose a good synergistic set up. Hahaha. Just teasing, good luck and have fun.
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    Nirnrot wrote: »
    Look up DK Magicka builds on google or youtube and go from there. Destro/Resto is a great combo for damage and sustain as you can easily replenish life and magicka. Dark Elf passive of 7% dmg on flame effects is pretty awesome as a DK with a fire staff. Vampirism is not necessary but if you want to go that route, their Ultimate is awesome, the passives are great, and you get an extra way to gain health if you need it. Thats said....

    You did not choose wisely. You chose based on your previous elder scrolls experience instead of doing research. But...your choice is a pretty good one. Wise choices are well thought out, you got lucky and chose a good synergistic set up. Hahaha. Just teasing, good luck and have fun.

    Only problem is, like mine, the google search builds are out of date and not very usefull
  • firby1
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks nirn. Yeah i jumped straight in as soon as i got the game instead of having a look at what could be done, at the time i thought maybe i should take a look at what is available then pick but my inner child got the better of me and didnt wanna wait lol.
  • Fat-Larry-Makes-All
    Dunmer is excellent for a DK because fire damage passive.
    Fat Argonian Cook.
  • DannyLV702
    DK and Dark elf is the best combination you will find, you did just fine. Now, if you don't like your class, that's a whole other story
  • KingYogi415
    do research and make another character with a great race/class combo




    redgaurd or khajit/nightblad

  • Waffennacht
    do research and make another character with a great race/class combo




    redgaurd or khajit/nightblad


    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Kutsuu
    Dunmer is still the best option for Magicka DPS DK, and it's not *bad* for stamina - though Imp/redguard would be a bit stronger if going stamina.

    It sounds like you're looking at using destro/resto, so you're probably a Magicka DK. Unless you wanted to play as a main tank or min/maxed stamina DPS you've chosen the right race.


    Envy Me - Sorc
    Kutsus - NB
    Kutsmuffin - Temp
    Kutsuu the Destroyer - NB
    Kutsuu - Temp
    Natsu Dragoneel - DK
    Kutsumo - NB
  • Shunravi
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • nordsavage
    Even though this game in the Elder Scrolls universe it is far from the traditional style even though it was billed as "Skyrim with friends". It is generally better to pick the race with passives that compliment the build you want but if you do not it will not break the game. As for making a DK Dunmer those two blend well especially for a magicka pyromancer build. Frankly with you mentioning dual wield and destruction staff you seem to be on the right track. Stick with dual swords for the extra spell damage.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
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