lordrichter wrote: »What platform? NA? EU?
NA PC is pretty busy any time I am on.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Play during the busier times of the day and yes they are.
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »
Should have elaborated, it is for PC NA. I am mainly a PVE player, but from what I have heard the population is mainly PVP centered? If so, I hope that the Orsinium dlc brings in a new crowd.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Whenever it is rather active when I am online I see people all over the place. It may not be crowded but just about anywhere I go, someone is there. Delves even have a few to several! It is true though that there is a good number of people in Cyrodiil though.
As for Orsinium, it isn't going to attract just a new crowd, but many of the current as well. New content hype is very strong! Wrothgar is going to be crawling with players for days before it settles down lol
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »
That sounds great, looking forward to that. For the sake of not making a new thread, do you happen to know what the current state of any sort of "tank" class is? Is there a best build and are they really needed? When I left they were almost useless.
amantvoulub14_ESO wrote: »That sounds great, looking forward to that. For the sake of not making a new thread, do you happen to know what the current state of any sort of "tank" class is? Is there a best build and are they really needed? When I left they were almost useless.
In the NA server the population is around 25k active players, I don't know the numbers for EU or console though. The majority of the once vast population quit after the PvP updates, primarily IC.
At a time of chaos and turmoil, children from all across tamriel have been taken by an evil Argonian Thieves guild. They were raised in captivity, forced to learn their captors evil ways and endured the harsh environment of Black Marsh. The intentions of the evil guild is still unknown till this day.
Amisdt the events surrounding the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, a brave few has escaped their captors and ran off as far away as they can, eventually landing on the shores of khenarthi's roost.
Armed with the skills and the scars they have endured during their captivity, these brothers and sisters in chains has vowed revenge on their Argonian captors and their allies.
They kept the names branded to them by the evil reptiles as a reminder of all the pain and torment they have suffered, and have joined the Aldmeri Dominion as a means to an end... Paint Tamriel with Argonian blood.
Forumer-in-Prison wrote: »
Where do you get those numbers? How to check?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
NS PS4, ditto for me. Most of the time anyway lol
Forumer-in-Prison wrote: »
Where do you get those numbers? How to check?