Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Yea.. I just completed this set on Xbox through purchases..
I did over 300 Dolmens and never got a piece of the Lich set.. and only two pieces of the Draugrs Heritage
Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Yea, I hear ya, its not easy to find..
I just kept checking daily until I found all the pieces I needed.. Sometimes people list them for cheap because they are lower levels or just don't know what they have
The Crimson Lich of Mournhold...Gedhna Revel drops the Crown and the Robe of the Lich NOT the generic Dread Lich and it's only the dolmens in Cyrodiil that will give you the Vr16 pieces of the set, The Seducer Sisters Im sure drop the remaining pieces and yes your right it is very likley the rarest set in the game and we all had to work for it and it wasn't easy (mentioned in the previous post I have several pieces) I have seen a Vr10 Gold Staff sell for 400k let alone a Vr16 one which would be far more see long ago before ESO came out on console the Lich Set was locked at Vr10 and even amongst all the Vr14 Gear it was still one of the most expensive sets in the game and well now its Vr16.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »After about 3 and a half hours of grinding dolmens these are my findings.
I did about 23 dolmens over this time frame. All these dolmens were done in cryodil so i could receive v16 version's of the set im searching for (The Shroud of the Lich).
1: Draugr Deathlord + Dread Flesh atronach
2: Menta Na
3: Dread Harvester
4: Dread Bone Colossus
5: Dread Ogrim
6: Dread Frost Atronach
7: Dread Xivilai
8: Dread Harvester
9: Dread Daedroth
10: Two Dread flesh atronachs
11: Draugr Deathlord x2
12: Dylora and her sister's (no staffthough )
13: Dread Flesh Atronoch
14: Dread Ogrim
15: Dread Xivilai
16: Dread Flesh Atronoch
17: Dread Xivilai
18: Dread Clannfear
19: Zymel Hriz (no drops)
20: Dread Clannfear
21: Dread Frost Atronach
22: Medrike and his brother (no drops)
23: Draugr Deathlord x2
So results:
19 - were "Dread's
4 - were Generals.
As it stands. I will encounter a general about every 52 minutes if i grind just dolmens. On top of that there is the RNG that i will receive a piece of "the shouded lich set".
I had a system in cryodil where i could run to 2 dolmens between Fort Aleswell. Each dolmen would spawn after 1 minute of me getting there. I could repeatably complete these two dolmens in a very timely manner.
However we don't even know for sure how this set drop's. It could only be from a specific general. It would be great if Zos could drop in some knowledge on this matter.
Overall this is way to time consuming to recieve one set. This set is probably the rarest in the entire game.
@ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , @ZOS_RichLambert
Please look into this! I have spent countless hours farming for this set. Not just 3 and a half. Probably over 24 hours and i have gotten nothing.
Increase the amount generals spawn or at least make it 100% to receive one piece of set gear from a general.
I'm talking about these incredibly rare sets
-Anguish set (wanted for cosmetic reasons)
-Mask of the Darkest Seducer (also wanted for cosmetic reasons)
-Hood of the Void Guard (also also wanted for cosmetic reasons)
-The Shrouded Lich Set
-Draughr's Heritage Set
Congratulations are in order!!! that Lich staff is probably the most valuable staff in the game.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Yea, I hear ya, its not easy to find..
I just kept checking daily until I found all the pieces I needed.. Sometimes people list them for cheap because they are lower levels or just don't know what they have
Yeah. I was able to find a couple lvl 40-V2 pieces. I bought them just to see what the set look's like cosmetic wise. The few v14-16 pieces are ridiculously over priced. Which makes getting a v16 set of this a fairytale..
But hey i got a v16 staff for now....
Hopefully i can find more or even get help looking for this set. Even if Zos looked into this set, it wont be till orsinium till any changes go in.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Congratulations are in order!!! that Lich staff is probably the most valuable staff in the game.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Yea, I hear ya, its not easy to find..
I just kept checking daily until I found all the pieces I needed.. Sometimes people list them for cheap because they are lower levels or just don't know what they have
Yeah. I was able to find a couple lvl 40-V2 pieces. I bought them just to see what the set look's like cosmetic wise. The few v14-16 pieces are ridiculously over priced. Which makes getting a v16 set of this a fairytale..
But hey i got a v16 staff for now....
Hopefully i can find more or even get help looking for this set. Even if Zos looked into this set, it wont be till orsinium till any changes go in.
It's the rarest set in the game so it isn't wise to think it should be easy to get, I myself actually out of sheer luck have managed to get 4 pieces of the set from dolmens however 1 of the items I already had ( I had 2 crowns) and I had to buy the staff from a guild store, anyway the reason its so rare is with all 5 pieces a caster build will have near infinite magicka reserves as the 5th ability would increase their magicka regen by over 1000 points for 20 seconds once per minute allowing some players to recover magicka faster then they can use it.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »@TX12001rwb17_ESO
I understand this set is extremely rare. I have a v16 Dylora Staff given to me from a guild mate.
However this set is just to rare.... in my previous post's ive done a complete sweep of all the guild stores and there are only 2 pieces of this set. Each selling for 400k. There are no hands of this set to be found.
I began my search for this set once i heard v16 version's were available. Also the cosmetic look is really nice.
The thing is, ive done probably 100s of dolmens and i haven't found anything. The only thing ive ever gotten was a chest piece of anguish and a Glacial Staff of Nomeg Haga.
Also to get this set in v16, you need to do dolmens in cryodil i believe. Or do dolmens in other zones outside of cryodil have chests that scale to your level?
Anyway, this set is just insanely rare. Nobody does dolmens on console (Ps4).
Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
Not to mention it looks awesome BTW what's your magicka regen when its active? I heard some people can get theirs for that 20 second duration over 3500.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I like collecting the rare stuff in this game but I also think the Lich set is very viable for certain builds.. Like he said, you get an extra 1000 magicka regen when you're under 33%, so basically always have magic. I have been running this set with Warlock just for *** and giggles.. its been real fun lol
Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Incase you are not aware It seems the 4 classes seem to be divided into 2 different groups, the Templer and DK are more melee while the Sorceror and NB are more magicka oriented classes, not to mention the NB has a passive called "Magicka Flood" which is an obvious sign it like the sorcerer is a magicka focused class so the only class better at Magicka then a Magicka NB would be a Magicka Sorceror.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
A Nightblade who goes around in constant never ending stealth healing people and the enemy players have no idea why the person their hitting just wont die...that sounds fun, also i'm sure you can switch weapon's when the effect activates.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
Yea it really has to be on some type of mage build since you have to use the resto staff with it.. thats the only catch in my opinion
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »A Nightblade who goes around in constant never ending stealth healing people and the enemy players have no idea why the person their hitting just wont die...that sounds fun, also i'm sure you can switch weapon's when the effect activates.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
Yea it really has to be on some type of mage build since you have to use the resto staff with it.. thats the only catch in my opinion
yeah but then you just pop cloak again, its not like you will run out of magicka.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »A Nightblade who goes around in constant never ending stealth healing people and the enemy players have no idea why the person their hitting just wont die...that sounds fun, also i'm sure you can switch weapon's when the effect activates.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
Yea it really has to be on some type of mage build since you have to use the resto staff with it.. thats the only catch in my opinion
Ahaha, yes, I stand corrected.. that would be fun. Would you not pop out of stealth if you healed tho?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »A Nightblade who goes around in constant never ending stealth healing people and the enemy players have no idea why the person their hitting just wont die...that sounds fun, also i'm sure you can switch weapon's when the effect activates.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
Yea it really has to be on some type of mage build since you have to use the resto staff with it.. thats the only catch in my opinion
Hiero_Glyph wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »A Nightblade who goes around in constant never ending stealth healing people and the enemy players have no idea why the person their hitting just wont die...that sounds fun, also i'm sure you can switch weapon's when the effect activates.Peel_Ya_Cap_517 wrote: »GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Look here people if you want to know why the set is so valuable there is your answer....Endless Magicka.GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »Grandsupercoder wrote: »Didnt mean to hijack this thread but are the 5 piece stats even relevant now when you are VR16? Or are you guys just `collectors `. Granted the crown looks awesome.
I'm someone of a collector. This set is now viable since it can be obtained in v16. It's pretty much a set that will give you endless magicka for any magicka build.
I want it so i can make various hybrid builds or just have crazy sustain on my magicka ones.
Yeah. This on a magicka nightblade will be tons of fun. Endless purges and cloaks. I'm just not sure if magicka nightblade would even be a good match for this set. You need a class that's really magicka heavy.
Yea it really has to be on some type of mage build since you have to use the resto staff with it.. thats the only catch in my opinion
I asked the same thing recently and the answer is yes, once the effect procs you can switch weapons and still retain the bonus. This also means you can equip a 2nd 5-piece crafted set if you use DW or 1H/S. Julianos comes to mind and would work well with Willpower jewelry with spell power enchants. The only caveat is that the 4 and 5 piece set bonuses for the 2nd set would only activate on your offensive skill bar. Still, most builds are setup like this anyway.
I also theorycrafted a light armor tank using Armor Master but Julianos would be a valid substitute for an offensive build. Kagrenac's would be a valid sub as well but the regen may be overkill.