StihlReign wrote: »It was easier at launch when we entered than it is now. Leveling has also changed quite a bit over time...
I've done it twice, and it wasn't bad at all. If anything I levelled too quickly (I like the non-vet campaign better). The adventure of dying over and over? Dude, even without weapon swapping and a total of 5 skills I was still shredding.
I recently started 2 new chars. Went to Cyrodiil at level 10, and they are now 24. Granted I ran some quests in Bruma, and killed like 6 EP this morning while I was there, and some AD jerk in a delve while skyshard hunting.Interesting... once I get my main to Vet16 I'm going all out PVP.
Has anyone ever tried leveling from LvL10 all the way to VR1 with just strictly PVPing? And how was the adventure of dying over and over again from other alliances? This sounds like the perfect End Game Content right here... LvL 10 To VR16 strictly PVPing.
Has anyone ever tried leveling from LvL10 all the way to VR1 with just strictly PVPing? And how was the adventure of dying over and over again from other alliances? This sounds like the perfect End Game Content right here... LvL 10 To VR16 strictly PVPing.
I recently started 2 new chars. Went to Cyrodiil at level 10, and they are now 24. Granted I ran some quests in Bruma, and killed like 6 EP this morning while I was there, and some AD jerk in a delve while skyshard hunting.
Running a few of those Bruma quests really helps progress the skill lines along a bit faster, and there's a good chance you'll run into a fight as it seems to be a bit of a hot spot.
I did basically that a few times, I did go out now and then to do the main quest or grab some skyshards really quickly, but never got more than 2 or 3 levels outside Cyro after entering it the first time (usually at level 11 or 12). And no, you don't have to hide if you're a low level character.
Not having weapon swap is annoying, I give you that, but you can still kill a guy or two on your own if you know what you're doing (having sets + drink / food help a bunch tho).
Very doable, and actually the most efficient way to have a really good rank (Sergeant) once you're about to hit V1. Even saw someone who got the Lieutenant rank in the non-vet campaign, but you gotta dump a bunch of stones in wall repairs.
How long did it take you guys to hit VR1?
How long did it take you guys to hit VR1?
Not having weapon swap is annoying, I give you that, but you can still kill a guy or two on your own if you know what you're doing (having sets + drink / food help a bunch tho).
vamp_emily wrote: »
[ smiles ]
I have a level 11 that i play also in cyro, in a fight I always try to weapon swap
newbie here, how does one get experience from pvp? is it by kills, keep captures/defend.. or just by questing in cyrodil?
might give this a shot!