Wll, you won't necessaily get what you need. I always got the same chapters when combining fragments myself, bows and maces. Over and over again. So I sold those and got the ones I was still missing. Many chapters are below 70k now.
After a while combining fragments gets pretty tiresome when you always get the same results. Especially when you paid more for fragments+resin than you will make from selling the chapter you just created. Some pages seem to occur more often than others. Same with xivkyn. Market is flooded with belts and boots, you'll get those for about 5k. Legs seem to be a lot harder to find, so they're more expensive in stores (100k+).
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »I was checking out the prices on glass and it's amazing how much they vary in price.
Found a bunch in the 30-40k range and then it jumps to 100k. Way too much for this poor guy.
Wll, you won't necessaily get what you need. I always got the same chapters when combining fragments myself, bows and maces. Over and over again. So I sold those and got the ones I was still missing. Many chapters are below 70k now.
After a while combining fragments gets pretty tiresome when you always get the same results. Especially when you paid more for fragments+resin than you will make from selling the chapter you just created. Some pages seem to occur more often than others. Same with xivkyn. Market is flooded with belts and boots, you'll get those for about 5k. Legs seem to be a lot harder to find, so they're more expensive in stores (100k+).
Yeah, I understand what your saying, I have almost every motif available in the game thus far except glass. I only know 3 glass chapters right now because of the prices and working on getting other styles. I can see it getting really annoying getting say...legs 4 times in a row, especially if you only need a couple more chapters to complete the whole set. Well I was just stating the obvious in my original post, I think its crazy how people spend their gold. They spend 200k on one item when they could've spent 80k, lol.
Wll, you won't necessaily get what you need. I always got the same chapters when combining fragments myself, bows and maces. Over and over again. So I sold those and got the ones I was still missing. Many chapters are below 70k now.
After a while combining fragments gets pretty tiresome when you always get the same results. Especially when you paid more for fragments+resin than you will make from selling the chapter you just created. Some pages seem to occur more often than others. Same with xivkyn. Market is flooded with belts and boots, you'll get those for about 5k. Legs seem to be a lot harder to find, so they're more expensive in stores (100k+).
Yeah, I understand what your saying, I have almost every motif available in the game thus far except glass. I only know 3 glass chapters right now because of the prices and working on getting other styles. I can see it getting really annoying getting say...legs 4 times in a row, especially if you only need a couple more chapters to complete the whole set. Well I was just stating the obvious in my original post, I think its crazy how people spend their gold. They spend 200k on one item when they could've spent 80k, lol.
200k is pocket money for many people in game. I paid 200k for staves acouple of weeks ago without blinking. I wanted it like right now, didn't feel like checking so many guild stores for a better price since that takes forever. So I was happy to spend those 200k. It's not real money after allDemand dictates the price, and some people just don't care when they have several millions available.
Bracteamentum wrote: »I personally do not find it hard to find them, I get many out of locked chests around the game world, also outside of the imperial city.
So recently I went motif hunting in stores to try and find good deals and I notice the glass motif is still really expensive. Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy the 10 glass fragments and the resin from vendor (10k) and try to get the chapter you need? Ok just to break it down a little bit here, you can find the glass fragments in store for 5k each + the 10k for the resin, that's 60k for a glass motif, where you might pay 120k for one that is already made. I'm just saying, it makes more since to buy the items separately.
Why even bother checking for the best price in the guild stores for individual chapters (fragments) when you can purchase the entire motif via the crown store for 5000 crowns. That's what I did and saved me a lot of time doing repeatable crafting writs hoping to get a fragment of the motif. If you have not figured it out already, ZOS is all about repeatable content which at some point just gets old.
WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »I keep getting Malachite shards from drops.Getting quite a bunch.
WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »I keep getting Malachite shards from drops.Getting quite a bunch.
Yes, that is Malachite shards, I was talking about the actual motifs/fragments. I don't have any problem in the world getting the malachite shards.
WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »I keep getting Malachite shards from drops.Getting quite a bunch.
Yes, that is Malachite shards, I was talking about the actual motifs/fragments. I don't have any problem in the world getting the malachite shards.
Oh right.I forgot that to make glass armor they're doing it like the Dwemer motifs.Bit by bit.Sorry. :}XD
Bracteamentum wrote: »I personally do not find it hard to find them, I get many out of locked chests around the game world, also outside of the imperial city.
Way too pricey, yes.
But ya see, thats only if you show interest, make the seller work a bit.
I have glass dagger motif for weeks and can't sell them for 10 K for some reason, but if I go askin for staffs....100 K asking price.