DannyLV702 wrote: »Nothing for enhancing your vampire status, I believe.
DannyLV702 wrote: »There is one, but it's definitely not worth using. It's called Vampires Kiss. All it really does is help out your health due to vampire health regen debuff
with a nerf to undeath coming I doubt to ever see this armor in game.
with a nerf to undeath coming I doubt to ever see this armor in game.
CrowsDescend wrote: »That's a good point... it would be cool if they made Werewolf and Vampire craftable sets which actually give benefits to being either one.
yes it seems that undeath is getting it..from pts patch 2.2.1 World •Vampire •Undeath: Fixed an issue where this passive was granting significantly more damage reduction than intended.
yes it seems that undeath is getting it..from pts patch 2.2.1 World •Vampire •Undeath: Fixed an issue where this passive was granting significantly more damage reduction than intended.
@ADarklore , nah.yes it seems that undeath is getting it..from pts patch 2.2.1 World •Vampire •Undeath: Fixed an issue where this passive was granting significantly more damage reduction than intended.
However, was this a patch to how Vampire is currently on Live, or on PTS? They do tend to post PTS bug fixes in PTS patch notes, and it is possible that somehow Undeath was buffed on PTS and then subsequently reduced back to normal.
Although, can't help but wonder if this is their way of trying to curtail so many players from allowing their vamp characters to progress to stage 4 vampirism? I think this means that IF Undeath was granting much more damage reduction than intended on Live, once this patch goes Live I'd expect to see either a lot fewer Vamps or more players keeping their Vamp characters at stage 1 or 2. Honestly, I think there should be much more incentive to keep your vamp within stage 1 or 2 instead of them bringing a nerf hammer to the line.
It would be nice to have vampire/werewolf hunter sets as well. Not full 5 piece, 2 piece sets.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »Most stay at stage 4 for the cost reduction and to lessen the hassle of having to feed, rather than for the less reduced Healing received.
Most vamps effectively count on their HR as being zero, for all intents and purposes.
Artemisshrikes wrote: »I'm curious I really like my vampire and am curious if theres a craftable set that benefits a vampire
Ethromelb14_ESO wrote: »The Vampire Kiss set is excellent for a DPS.