BindingEnergy wrote: »With the last update, I found I could no longer play my NB as a PVE tank anymore. I personally do not do a lot ov PvP and noticed that this last patch focused primarily on PvP and seem to have nerfed my class in PvE to fix PvP, so I created a new tank using a traditional tank class. Here is what I noticed as I level my second character to Vet status.
1) Group Finder is a COMPLETE!!!!! fail. It took me 3 hours to never to find a group.
2) Drop rates suck: This means if you want to make anything for personal use you still have to grind, grind, grind, grind.
3) PvE does not feel loved: Once you finish the main content there is not much to do. You can do a dungeons, if you ever can get a group via Group Finder, but there is no good scaling PvE content.
4) PvP is lame: I love going into PvP and being trounced by a group of 40 other alliance players. We should have some 12v12, 4v4, etc environments right now all we have a giant free for alls. Basically the roving horde of X alliance rampages til it looses steam, if they have more players they win, I would like to see some smaller scale PvP where tactics and skill are meaning full.
The game has become un-fun, most of my guild has left for other games, I can't find groups using group finder and the dev's seem to break two things for every one thing that get fixed. I will still give this a chance, but I will be cancelling my ESO membership until things improve.
In your efforts to balance the game and make money, make sure that you don't forget to make sure that the Game is fun to play. I GRIND everyday at work to pay for my games, I do not want to log into ESO and have to GRIND before I can have Fun.
BindingEnergy wrote: »With the last update, I found I could no longer play my NB as a PVE tank anymore. I personally do not do a lot ov PvP and noticed that this last patch focused primarily on PvP and seem to have nerfed my class in PvE to fix PvP, so I created a new tank using a traditional tank class. Here is what I noticed as I level my second character to Vet status.
1) Group Finder is a COMPLETE!!!!! fail. It took me 3 hours to never to find a group.
2) Drop rates suck: This means if you want to make anything for personal use you still have to grind, grind, grind, grind.
3) PvE does not feel loved: Once you finish the main content there is not much to do. You can do a dungeons, if you ever can get a group via Group Finder, but there is no good scaling PvE content.
4) PvP is lame: I love going into PvP and being trounced by a group of 40 other alliance players. We should have some 12v12, 4v4, etc environments right now all we have a giant free for alls. Basically the roving horde of X alliance rampages til it looses steam, if they have more players they win, I would like to see some smaller scale PvP where tactics and skill are meaning full.
The game has become un-fun, most of my guild has left for other games, I can't find groups using group finder and the dev's seem to break two things for every one thing that get fixed. I will still give this a chance, but I will be cancelling my ESO membership until things improve.
In your efforts to balance the game and make money, make sure that you don't forget to make sure that the Game is fun to play. I GRIND everyday at work to pay for my games, I do not want to log into ESO and have to GRIND before I can have Fun.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »4) Yeah, you're out of luck here. And I agree with you on this one. I HATE zergfest type PvP. Unfortunately, the Devs seem to love it, and think our opinions of instance structured PvP to be complete garbage.
If getting a gear is your main goal in the game, what would you do after getting it eventually? Post a quitting thread, since "there was nothing else to do anyway"? Come on. You can do good in crafted gear too, and especially with the forthcoming DLC.About 2):
Due to lack of content they have low drop rates, making you grind the same dungeon over and over again. Thats apparently fun
But on the other side, they introduced a few new 30-day campaigns. Basically, this would lead to form "AD/DC/EP buff servers for IC" with "Azura's Star" being the normal/default PvP campaign. IC gates restriction is also some sort of negative motivation. Most PvP players, instead of participating in PvP activities to gain access for their alliance, would simply wait for other PvP Guilds to do their job and join only when the access is granted. If it works like that, it's a living proof of failed design.I_killed_Vivec wrote: »It would have given meaning to PvP in Cyrodiil - you're fighting for access. And it would have given some context to fighting in IC - clearing out the opposition when you take control, fighting for survival when you've lost control. It would also have made it more popular with PvEers who would think they were safer entering IC if their faction had control.