The Uninvited wrote: »I played my first character in 1st person up to V9 including group dungeons. Now, I only play 3rd person as it sure helps in veteran dungeons. Try running a trial in first person and you probably won't make it.
Normal questing and stuff like that can be done easily in 1st person, but if I try it now it feels strange to me and gives me a tiny bit of motion sickness.
MattyMatty wrote: »I can see obviously that 3rd person is better for awareness of whats going on and definitely better for when I finally get to PvP for the first time but I actually have a slight more preference to 1st person playing. Yet from all the posts I have read on the matter it seems I am one a very small percentage that feel the same and plays largely in 1st person (about 75/25)???
Also read a few people saying the game was designed for 3rd person - which I kinda disagree with the statement , as the game was not DESIGNED for 3rd person but rather the game has a design that 3rd person is more advantageous an option from increased FOV
MattyMatty wrote: »now if F'Wits ZOS had stuck to the classic ES 1st person only we would all be in that immersive position and would make for more exciting gaming - 3rd person is just saying here is everything there are no surprises or excitement as you know exactly what is going on and what you can or cant do!!![