1. You will make MORE **$$ money $$** if you make the game "easy going", that includes: not-so-complicated IC/gold-dungeons, better undaunted (gold) boss drop chances for helmets, etc etc..
--> If you make ESO well accessible to more players (including casual players, guildless players, solo-players, UNORGANIZED players, etc.), the chances to sell more in your store will raise, the more players have access to the ESO contents (beside zone leveling, Cyrondil and normal dungeons). The chance to find a customer, who will spend hundreds of dollars in your store, are higher, if the game is appealing to all types of customers, not just the PvE-powergamers
--> If you make ESO a hardcore-pve-game you will maintain all that farmers/powergamers but, by doing so, ESO will die slowly.
--> PvP is much more interesting if PvP stays full of players, who are consciuous that "they have more or less the same chances" (combat the real "sources" of 1/2-shot builds, your 50% less damage does not help!)
2. You will please more players, if you keep this game interesting for random groups, that do not use TeamSpeak (!), I mean the guys that do not spend more than 2 hours in the game every day. Actually, especially IC-dungeons are not doable for random groups. That content of the game should not be suited just for powergamers but for everybody. Normal mode should be "easy mode", while in gold mode errors should not lead to instant death. You can still keep it difficult by less penalizing of player errors.
3. Put VR 15 and 16 Items together, as it has been the TRADITION in Eso before 1.7 / to have easily obtainable and farmable item sets THAT can compete with "raid dungeon stuff". Not long ago, I could buy a full purple item set for 10k from any crafter. Doing that raised my interest in the game much more, as I was able to play with set-combinations, etc... That way of optimizing your character was a part of the ESO-game experience and because of the affordability it was accessible to everybody, even the ones without much gold /or/ time /or/ connections in the game.
--> Getting VR 16 items (and all relative goodies), instead, is a pain in the A... There is also a consistent gap between players who own VR 16 items + glyphs and sets as Molag Kena for PvP and players who use VR 14 armors. (That gap was not existant before, when comparing vr12- to vr14 items). The reason lies also in the new golde4 n-gylphs, why did you change them!
4. Bring real auction houses in the game. The current guild-based system lead to "Berlusconi players" controlling the markets, or lets call them Donald-Trump players. They can dictate prices, as well as they do apply market-control (complicated topic, I'll not explain it). Often they lead the trading guilds, with all consequences! (less well game experience)
I do not want other players (powergamers) that control their own auction houses (often they make arbitrary decisions, or guild-rules, etc.)!
5. Reduce the PvE-powergamer/guild content to raid-dungeons, as it has been before the introduction of IC! Actually, the game has too many areas which are described as "too difficult"...! (not good!) Do not give that many goodies just to powergamers (if you want to continue to be a pvp-based game..), that goodies are Molag-Kena set, golden glyphs, etc. You know what I mean!