If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
posilnahtorg wrote: »May be u r right. All I know is that when i see 50 ppl in one place = ping becomes 400+ for everyone, skills dont work, ppl go DC etc.
If it is too hard to fix - motivate players not to zerg. Now it is too typical to fight 2x24 on one side.
"No AP for zergs" might work or not, but it is better that doing nothing.
posilnahtorg wrote: »It looks like u r too smart to do/propose anything Just sit and wait for better times.
Keep could be taken even solo.
posilnahtorg wrote: »
posilnahtorg wrote: »
Just stop pls im playing pvp without any addons and my pc is strong more than enough to run this game at 4k with 100fps+ the only problem is coding and servers in this game...