Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13


Edited by birch44 on February 21, 2017 2:09AM
DK Tank
Mag DK
Temp Heals
Mag Sorc
Stam NB
  • dschreuder
    Invite please @dutchboy1967
  • birch44
    Thank you for your interest. We look forward to running with you.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Competent healers and dps needed most. Hit me up in game with any questions.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Still got a few open spots for badass monster murderers.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Still seeking dedicated players. Experience not necessary.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • remilafo
    how are you guys enduring this population drop?
  • birch44
    Its not bad. I'm hoping it gets better with the holidays coming and the eminent new trial along with removal of vet ranks.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • ultimate_piemanb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'd be interested to find out what your guild is like, hit me up. @Kablam.Synth
  • remilafo
    invite @remilafo
  • birch44
    Still a few open spots available
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • gatchr16
    Soul Shriven
    inv @gatchr16
  • birch44
    The guild coming together nicely. Plenty going on. Join up now. Leader for training group needed.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Healers/Tanks at a premium. Training is available for any class/spec. Contact me in game and I can answer any and all questions.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    New events starting next week. Join up and partake of the fun. You might just learn something.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Still on the lookout for high speed, low drag individuals
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    We have cooooookies.....
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • Gizit
    Just getting back from long time away.
    Have a templar used to heal quite a bits.
    But still need to break the rust off.
    I do the things! for the team, score points! win the day by *** the stuff! HELL yeah!
  • birch44
    Welcome to the Dark Side Gizit!
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    PVP group coming together nicely now as well. Join today and place your stone on the foundation.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • andrzej.bejgerb16_ESO
    Invite please! ! IGN:@WolfHound147
  • Morbeious
    please inivte @Morbeiouos Vlv 35 Caster
  • birch44
    Invites sent. Thank you for your interest.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • Hooch_is_Crazy
    Soul Shriven
    What times are you guys generally active? Time wise. I have a couple possibly 4 or 5 guys V16 that are looking for a consistent group of people to do content with. We are all pretty well geared, as min/maxed as we can be with our current progress on vet dungeons and drops.
    V16 Breton Templar Heals/Magicka Dps, V10 Orc Stam Sorc, V14 Khajit Stam Nightblade, V3 Imperial Stamplar, V2 Dark Elf DragonKnight Magicka Dps.
  • birch44
    All our events are 9pm EST. Just add me in game and I'll touch base with you as soon as I can.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    Still on the lookout for solid dps players and people that are willing to jump on the PTS and give MoL a go before live.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • birch44
    There's plenty of room on the roster for good people and good players.
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • me_ming
    Which alliance do you play on?
    "We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
    -Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

    "There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

    -Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
  • birch44
    As the title says, EP/NA
    DK Tank
    Mag DK
    Temp Heals
    Mag Sorc
    Stam NB
  • ZOS_GregoryV

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Heisennburgg
    Hi there I'd love to be apart of this guild you should definitely invite me, I play daily and just hit VR1 looking to learn how to PvP better, do daily pledges, help with 4 man dungeons, etc. User Name: Heisennburgg

    Alawen Springshade | Breton | Magicka Sorcerer | DPS | 200CP | Ebonhart Pact

    Spartan Legion | Immortal Fury

    "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

    [PC] [NA]
This discussion has been closed.