Texture Translucence?

Has anyone seen any examples in ESO where a texture shader has translucence with sub-surface scattering. I was really disappointed when the Ice horse didn't have this type of effect and doubly so when the Glass armor didn't. I've been keeping an eye out for any examples within EOS and haven't come up with anything. :confused:
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  • Mettaricana
    Glass armor has never been seen through in The game series its tempered glass not window panes
  • Gidorick
    Yea I know it's not windows... and you seem to not understand what translucence means @Mettaricana.

    I've always thought glass armor in the elder scrolls was akin to volcanic glass.

    The (assumed) reason the previous games have not shown glass-armor as semi-translucent is because of technical limitations.
    However, even Skyrim glass armor does looks like volcanic glass, just the opaque variety.

    This kind of glass has actually been used to make knives.

    See how the light somewhat passes through the blade. How it seems to glow from within? That's more what I'm talking about. I'm just wondering if there is any example of shader in ESO... I haven't seen any.

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  • Mettaricana
    I know what translucent means@gidorick I stated glass has never looked like that in any eso game and as for transparency the only thing I'm game so far has been frost atronachs and seeminly only the dread atro. I doubt its hardware restrictions as its more crap out cool armors as fast as possible for crown resale and eso isn't exactly the shining star of game engine performance or gfx so its just easier to place a shiny reflective coat than a semi see through look to it.
  • Gidorick
    Thanks @Mettaricana. I'll have to go check out the frost atronachs. I suspect you're spot on with the reasons the ice horse doesn't have that semi transparent look ice has and glass armor doesn't look like glass (even the opaque variety).

    It's a shame too. So many people were looking forward to glass armor.
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