No matter how many hops and hurdles you put in place .. oh, and I see you're using the usual "hard mode solo" roadblock which obviously you feel you'd succeed in but most of the 'casuals' won't .. it doesn't matter, you're still asking for a feature that will be roundly abused by RMT.
So my answer is a simple NO!
Are bound items character bound or account bound?
Concept of bound items has been in mmorpg even before everquest days. Why try to change it? I would rather opt for some items being bound and others not.
The Uninvited wrote: »Are bound items character bound or account bound?
Account bound.
My idea is this: Make bound items tradeable, but only 1 vs 1.
The item you trade with each other both have to be "bound on pickup" rewards. For example, I have like 5 Engine Guardian shoulders, but no helmet. My guild mate has 4 helmets, but not the shoulders he wants with the right trait (wich I do have).
I trade my shoulders against one of his helmets, problem solved.
Concept of bound items has been in mmorpg even before everquest days. Why try to change it? I would rather opt for some items being bound and others not.
The Uninvited wrote: »Are bound items character bound or account bound?
Account bound.
My idea is this: Make bound items tradeable, but only 1 vs 1.
The item you trade with each other both have to be "bound on pickup" rewards. For example, I have like 5 Engine Guardian shoulders, but no helmet. My guild mate has 4 helmets, but not the shoulders he wants with the right trait (wich I do have).
I trade my shoulders against one of his helmets, problem solved.
i would say just items from the same set or dungeon could be switched over
byrom101b16_ESO wrote: »Concept of bound items has been in mmorpg even before everquest days. Why try to change it? I would rather opt for some items being bound and others not.
You say because an ancient MMO has it this one should have it locked in too?
Perhaps we should also go back to needing 40 people for a raid etc?
The gaming world has moved way on, and MMOs need to as well.
byrom101b16_ESO wrote: »Grinding is like having a job you are bored of and shouldn't be a part of entertainment, and suffering endless bad luck because of *** RNG is also *** poor game design.
If you think that playing the game long passed the point of enjoyment or getting lucky with drops is a fair way to reward effort and skill, then you are sorely mistaken.
I am all for a better system of reward, but ZOS are sticking with ridiculous grind/luck systems that many other games got rid of with better alternatives.
That being their decision, it would be nice to have an alternative to get around it.
If you are concerned that people 'who don't deserve it' are getting their gear - then consider this.
The FIRST time I did hardmode CoA as a pledge I got the helm AND the shoulders from the chest.
Was that fair? NO.
Was it fair that I know someone who had over a 100 runs in there without ever seeing the helm? NO.
I think you should be complaining louder about this level of unfairness, not about a system that would help alleviate it.