Sorry about the weird title. I just want people to be able to find it when searching the forums. Too bad there aren't "tags" to posts.
I've been working on my V16 Aggressive Healer. My goal is to get as much Spell Power toward my main damage (Funnel Health) which, in return, gives stronger heals to allies. I wanted a build that would allow me to hop between PvE and PvP without changing armor sets and weapons. I think this is probably the strongest balance of the two. I chose Dunmer for the extra magic (main goal) extra stam (to block/dodge in PvP) and fire resistance- since I knew I wanted to be a vamp.
Here's something VERY IMPORTANT: Your main DPS (and off-heal), Funnel Health, is based off the damage you inflict to an enemy. Not only that, but the % of healing based off the damage INCREASES with each siphoning ability slotted. So if Funnel Health is hitting for 6k magic damage- you're healing two of your nearby allies for at least 1,500 HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Now- imagine if Funnel Health gets a critical hit! Each Siphoning skill also increases the healing done by 1%.

I'm more of a DPS fan- but I like to run in groups who hop between roles. My wife has a V16 Templar Healer- so, if I off-heal, she gets a little time to DPS. It's very important (and fun for her) at the boss's last 20% health. (That Jesus Beam, tho!) Let's get into it:
3 pieces of Willpower jewelry- all arcane, of course: Neck is spell power and the rings are reduced spell cost (This took a looong time to grind.)
1 Molag Kena Shoulder- light, divines (I already have this- I got lucky

3 Overwhelming Surge- light head, pants, and belt- infused (I was thinking head and pants to be tri-stat with the belt as magicka)
5 Law of Julianos- heavy chest (tri-stat, infused), medium gloves (magic, divines), light shoes (magic, divines) and two swords (nirnhoned)
1 Maelstrom Resto Staff
I have all attribute points dropped into Magicka since my health is pretty well maintained by my attacks and I have a fantastic stamina passive as a Dunmer. Constellation points are geared toward Elfborn and Thaumaturge (remember, NBs only do
magic damage... not elemental), Arcanist and Magician, Light Armor and Elemental Defender. Now, I have other points distributed... but that's just too much info to type out.
Bar One: DPS with healing on the side
Funnel Health
Merciless Resolve
Sap Essence (Great AoE, increases Spell Damage by 20%, AND increases Funnel Health to 26% heal)
Refreshing Path (swap to Lotus Fan for PvP)
Ultimate: Devouring Swarm (or swap to Soul Tether to bring Funnel Health's heal to 27%)
Bar Two: Healing with DPS on the side
Razor Caltrops- Who says you can't take a quick second to lay down long lasting DPS while you continue to heal?

Funnel Health
Structured Entropy
Mutagen- Mmmmm! Maelstrom Resto staff enchantment!
Healing Springs
Ultimate: Shooting Star (You didn't think I'd miss out on the Dunmer's fire bonus- did you?)
If I'm going full-on DPS: I'll usually toss down some Caltrops, pop Refreshing Path on the boss, use Merciless Resolve for the 8% extra damage, use Sap Essence once for the 20% extra spell damage, and then Funnel Health. Rinse and repeat.
Any thoughts or similarities to something you're building?
Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.
Savos Saren