Scyantific wrote: »Sorcs don't get a stamina executioner either, why should temp-
+1 make one of the less used Aedric Spear skill morphs a stam execute please.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Bashing Comments]
Johngo0036 wrote: »@J2JMC - you do, its called dying.. lol..
Have you tested it? Due to dmg logs it boosts dmg more then twice as target health lowers.Spearshard wrote: »And, as stated above, while steel tornado does get a small damage boost, it really can't be called a finisher.
really? Is templar rediant destruction or sorc Mage's fury melee?Spearshard wrote: »The only ranged finisher is the NB magica morphs of their execute.
All finishers has different efficiency. Mage's fury is even weaker then steel tornado. And Templars has one of the most OP finishers. So you do not like tornado, do not want to use 2H but want to use only stamina jesus beam. With your logic every class and weapon skilllines should have finishers.Spearshard wrote: »Yeah, I've tested it, while it does excel at damaging groups of mobs, at single tsrget it doesn't work as well as a true execute. Also, the additional 100% damage is solely contingent on targets being wounded, and based on remaining hp, according to the tool tip.
Spearshard wrote: »Correct me if I'm wrong it's been a min since I looked at the dual wielding passives and whirlwind, but the passive is an extra 20% for enemies under 25 % hp. And the whirling blades gives back stam, it's not a finisher. While the 20% extra damage is not bad, I wouldn't necessarily call that a finisher, especially compared to the damage bonus of the NB, executioner from 2 handed, or radiant destruction.
Spearshard wrote: »Ah, sorry, brain fail on ranged, hadn't had my coffee yet. I never said I didn't like steel tornado, I use it on trash mobs all the time, I even said it excels at that function. I just said it wouldn't be as efficient as a true finisher such as the NB variant, executioner, or RD. I also never said I only want to use Jesup beam. I suggested a stam morph for it, and if you read my original post I also suggested anot her possibility in the dual wield line, change the major brutality buff on hidden blade to an execute. No need to be insulting