I and everyone I talked to noticed the Valkyn set procs at a much lower rate than before and what it's tooltip indicates. Here are some pics to show what we are seeing.
For comparison, this set used to proc about once ever 10 seconds and did somewhere around 1300 passive DPS for a build that used DoTs. An typical example:

After the IC patch:
Here is 1 proc every 21 seconds for 372 DPS.

Hero is zero procs for 0 DPS:

Also, templars have noticed Radiant Destruction's execute damage is not what it was in 1.6. Maybe when ZoS tried to reduce the bonus damage from 40% to 20%, instead it reduced the
entire skill's damage. As it's execute damage is hardly greater than a normal skill, it has undermined the purpose of Radiant Destruction.
Edited by Joy_Division on October 12, 2015 5:38PM