... I am reluctantly forced to admit I do not like it. I know others in my guilds do like it, but not me.
Of course I just leveled my main to vr 10 (I hate grinding and leveling a vr char is grinding) so that is probably why I don't survive 10 seconds in a pvp encounter... even though I seem to last a lot longer and way better in regular pvp. I even reset all my skills and abilities today for survival (heavy armor, stuns, and knockknacks and such) and it didn't really seem to make a difference. When I do finally level a char to vr16 I will probably like it better since Ill have the edge.
I will say that I am one of the few that have a harder time playing with keyboard and mouse and play better with controller for action games. So when controller support comes to ESO next month I will probably like it better and be able to play better. And yes, for pvp, ESO is an action game for me. Personal Preference and ability is all.
On the other hand, the additional crafting styles and armor sets really give me something to work forward to, especially as a crafter. So I am not saying the DLC is bad, just that I don't like IC right now as it is.
As a casual player I was satisfied that at one point I had a char max level and near max crafting with almost all motifs and I pretty much lost interest. Then ESO discovered DLC's and now my main is just a wanabe and I am happily pulled back into the game.